Chapter 22

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I sprinted through the forest, my heart hammering against my chest. 'How could I let this happen!? How could I not notice the signs!? ' I thought in despair as my paws pounded against the snow, blood dripping down my shoulder from the large bite mark inflected on me by my former ... doctor. 

I thought I was finally free after Tiger's death, I thought he would give up after his team of feral soldiers failed. Apparently not, what makes me so important? 

I could feel tears pricking the corner of my eyes as the tracks began to fade away before disappearing, causing me to skid to a stop, looking around wildly, looking for any sign. I let out a frustrated cry as tears spilled down my cheeks. 

A yellow flower with a face popped out of the ground, placing one of his leaves on my shoulder as I sat down, bending my head low as tears began to spill down my cheeks. "(Y/N)." I familiar warm voice spoke, gaining my attention, I looked up finding a black cat with golden stripes and eyes, standing right in front of me, looking out of breath. 



I hummed a small tune as I flipped the pancake on the skillet, swaying my hips side to side, as I continued to hum my tune, a bright smile on my face. I felt ... happy, so happy. "WHAT IS THIS?" Papyrus questioned as he walked into the kitchen with his arms crossed, looking over my shoulder to look at the pancake himself. 

I giggled lightly, thinking he was joking, "It's a pancake." He looked at me confused making me gasp, "You never had a pancake before!?"

"NO." Papyrus replied, giving me a blank stare as my mouth dropped. 

"Alright this is just a crime, I'll fix you a pancake Papyrus." I claimed as I place the pancake on top of another pancake that was on a plate. I then grabbed the stick butter before cutting off a small slice and placing it on top of the stack then poured some syrup over it.

Papyrus took this time to look at me up and down, noticing I was only wearing one of Sans's red shirts which stopped a little bit above my mid-thigh. His eyes narrowed as he hummed in thought noticing that there was a certain glow to me. "WHY ARE YOU WEARING SANS SHIRT?" Papyrus questioned causing me to flinch, nearly dropping the syrup on top of the pancake as a blush decorated my cheeks. 

"W-Well, I ran out of c-clean clothes." I stuttered out, hoping he would believe the small lie. I then pick up the plate of pancakes, handing it to Papyrus. "Here this one is for you. You have to go on patrol soon correct?" 

Papyrus looked at me with a suspicious gaze before snatching the plate out of my hands, "YOU ARE RIGHT, I DO HAVE PATROL TO GET TO." Papyrus responded before walking over to the table sitting down with his plate of pancakes. 

I made two more pancakes, before cleaning up my mess, picking up eggshells and pushing flour into the palm of my hand. I then felt a hand being placed on top of my head, I look up seeing Papyrus with a genuine smile on his face, "You Seem Happy. You Are Definitely Not The Skittish Kitten I Rescued All Those Months Ago." He took his hand off my head before walking out of the door, stopping just under the doorway. "IF MY IDIOT BROTHER HURTS YOU IN ANY WAY JUST LET ME KNOW AND DON'T BE AFRAID TO DUMP HIM. I COULD CARE LESS ON HOW THAT MORON FEELS." Papyrus spoke loudly, glancing towards Sans's room before walking out the door closing it behind him.

I smiled softly, before walking back into the kitchen, grabbing the plate of pancakes along with a fork and knife, before walking up the stairs. I balanced the plate in one hand, before opening Sans's door, slipping inside before closing it behind me. "My, my, what is this?" I smile towards Sans who was still laying in his bed with the covers dropped over his bones.

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