Chapter 12 : Let Down

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Now it's back to the present!!!


Yuri's POV

It was finally here. The day I'm going on a date with Hyewon-ssam. I couldn't be anymore excited. It felt like a dream. From the moment she became my piano teacher and during the times we spent together in the music room, I gradually started having feelings for her.

I know it was not right to fall for my teacher and there's the age difference and all but hey, age is just a number right? I really hope she likes me back.  Last time I confessed to her but didn't wait for her answer and changed the subject.

After several minutes and outfits, I finally decided on what to wear.

Quickly, I snapped a picture of me and sent it to Yena-unnie to know what she thinks

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Quickly, I snapped a picture of me and sent it to Yena-unnie to know what she thinks. Over these past few days, we became close to one another as we clicked instantly like we were soulmates. She helped me score this date too. She's such a nice person and is always there to cheer me up. A few minutes late, a reply from her came in.

From Ducky Unnie

WOWWW YURI-AH YOU LOOK AMAZING!! I bet Hyewon-ssam will fall for you instantly daebak<<33

I chuckled lightly at her response. This unnie really knows how to make me smile. Not wasting anymore time, I headed to the coffee shop we were supposed to meet at.

As I got closer and closer to the location, my heart started beating faster and faster as nervousness slowly started to drip on me. I felt my hands and legs shivering from the cold but my feeling of excitement covered it up. When I got to the destined place, Hyewon-ssam was already there.

Although she was just sitting down while sipping her coffee, she still looked elegant. Was it just me or did she look prettier today? She was wearing a black turtleneck with a long brown coat which gave her a mature vibe.

Trying to calm down my repeatedly thumping heart, I approached her.

"Annyeong ssam" I smiled bashfully.

"Oh hey" She gave me a smile in return. Just a single smile from her was enough to make me blush. We sat infront of each other and she ordered coffee for me. I had to admit, i did not like coffee. It's bitter taste just didn't match with me. But of course I'm not going to tell that to ssam. It was the first drink she bought me and I was determined to chug all of it down.

We had a nice conversation for around 30mins while taking sips of our coffee. Hyewon-ssam was so nice to me i felt like it was a dream.

"So we're going to the amusement park next?" Yuri asked excitedly.

"Yeah...About that..." Hyewon trailed.


"I don't think I can"

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