Chapter 19 : Twin

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"Please please please Allow me to make it in time" Chaewon muttered under her breath as she drove her bike through the traffic.


Meanwhile at the garage, Minju stared wide eyed at the figure at the entrance.

"C-chaewon?" She mumbled but to her disappointment, the figure was a man.

"Sorry. I'm not Chaewon, even though we look alike"

Looks of shock and surprise painted Chaewon's father's and his secretary's faces as they saw the man, dressed in all black with a leather jacket.

"F-father?" Mr.Kim mumbled "What kinda bullshit are you spouting?! Who are you?!"

The man pushed open the doors wider and brushed his hands.

"Wow.... I'm sad father. How could you not recognize your own son?"

"What? F-felix?" Mr. Kim mumbled in disbelief "I thought you were-"

"Dead?" Felix finished his sentence for him before smirking and taking out a badge from his pocket with the words 'Lieutenant Felix' on it along with his picture.

At that moment, the secretary could no longer hold in her anger.

"Impossible!!" She yelled "I made sure both you and your mother were killed that night!!"

That sudden exclamation took everyone by shock..... even Mr.Kim.

"Y-you" He clenched his fist as he approached her "You're the one who planned for them to be killed?!"

"Yes!! So what?! I planned to kill that rascal Chaewon too but she got lucky"

"Y-you bitch" Mr.Kim yelled in anger.

"I wouldn't be yelling at me right now if I were you" She threatened "I know all of your illegal doings..... One word from me and you're over!!"

"Same goes for you, woman" Felix interrupted "You just admitted to being the mastermind behind the death of my mother"

"This information won't get out if you die here!" She laughed like a mad woman "GUARDS!"

The moment she said that, around twenty men dressed in suits bathed into the garage and surrounded Felix.

"Not one move" The men yelled as they readied their stance.

"Fuck I'm screwed" Felix mumbled beneath his breath.

The men lunged forward towards Felix as they tried to catch him. However, Felix was a skilled fighter and managed to avoid them.

Felix turned around when he caught a glimpse of something shiny from the corner of his eyes. It was a knife.

One of the men took out a knife and was about to stab Felix.

At that moment however, the garage door suddenly barged open as a loud roaring noise filled up the garage.

"C-chaewon?" Minju muttered in between tears.

Chaewon drove the bike around the spacious garage before jumping off it, making the vehicle run into the guards.

Paying no attention to anything else, Chaewon sprinted over to Minju and cupped her cheeks.

"Min are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She asked, worry visible in her eyes.

Minju shook her head as tears of relief ran down her cheeks. Untying the ropes bound to Minju's wrists, Chaewon made sure that the girl was unhurt.

Only after that, she turned around and glared at the two figures which never failed to make her blood boil.

"The fuck is your problem?!" Chaewon asked in anger, veins visible on her neck.

Seeing that Chaewon was getting worked up, Minju held the girl's hand softly to calm her down.

Chaewon held back Minju's hand to assure her before continuing.

" Can't you see that that woman is controlling you so that she can get the company instead?!"

The man in question kept mum at the questions thrown while the woman was already losing her temper.

"Anyways" Felix interrupted as he walked over to his father and the woman "You're both under arrest. You have the right to remain silence or to call a lawyer. Every word you say can be used against you in court"

Felix took out some handcuffs and placed it on his father's wrist. Just as he was doing so, he remembered something.

"Oh" He turned towards Chaewon "Long time no see sis"

"Huh?" Chaewon was confused. Last time she checked, her brother die- oh.


"Felix?!" She exclaimed with her mouth opened agape at the sight of her twin "You're alive?"

Felix gave Chaewon a grin and a thumbs up. Seeing that his guard was down for a moment, the secretary pushed him, making Felix fall backwards.

"I won't let it end like this!!" She shouted as she pulled out a gun and aimed it towards Chaewon's direction.


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