Idiotic Killer

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Sophia's POV:

That was definitely crazy. This boy always take my breath away. I can't help but smile widely.

I decided to wear this for today:

After getting ready within 5 minutes because I AM SO DAMN LATE FOR SCHOOL

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After getting ready within 5 minutes because I AM SO DAMN LATE FOR SCHOOL. I ran downstairs.

I rushed to kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket, and ran upstairs because I FRICKIN' FORGOT MY BAG.

Then went to guest room to ask Max if he wants to go to school with me? I knocked twice but no answer.

I knocked again and then decided to enter as my 2 minutes got wasted because of him not replying me.

I entered and nobody was there. I checked washroom, it was open too. I turned around and had a heart attack!

"BOO!", Max said. I punched him right in the face WHAT CAN I DO? IT WAS A NATURAL REFLEX!

"Ow ow ow! My nose!", he groaned. "Sorry! I didn't mean to!", I explained. "My pretty face is gone now.." He did that fake cry thing and I kept my straight face because IT WAS NOT THAT HARD as I stopped my force when I saw who it was. He should work in film industry, king of drama tch.

I saw the time on my phone and then I screamed. "WHAT HAPPENED?", he asked worried. "WE ARE LATE DUMMY, WE HAVE TO RUN!", I said running from his room.

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