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Third person's POV:

Sophia. Anemia. Blood loss.

It was obvious that - that was the end but miracle happens right? Surviving such thing would be a miracle.


The driver rushed out of his car and immediately called the ambulance. He kept on checking her vital points and breathing, which was faint.

At the same time Jungkook and Jimin was out to buy some soda cans. They were on their way to hotel where they were staying. Nearby, they saw a crowd forming around something, blood and an old man crying.

Hearing the whispers that she might be dead by now, they went to look at the scene. Little did they know that would be the most horrible sight they would ever see in their lives.

Finally, after squeezing through the crowd and reaching the front. When they saw the scene, their hearts dropped to their stomach.

Sophia covered in blood.

Not moving at all.

Pale face.

Jimin screamed her name and rushed to her side crying where as Jungkook was too shocked.. but with breaking voice he told everyone about it on a call.

Soon, ambulance came and they took her delicate body away. Jimin was beside her all the way and Jungkook went back to hotel to take them to hospital.


Peter was smiling, just thinking about Sophia and how she ran away after saying "I love you" to him. He found it super cute and he was always so fond of her.

Realizing how much he loves her and how many times he hurted her made him feel so bad. Already missing her, he got up and decided to go back to hotel to confess.

He was about to reach the hotel but on his way he saw blood covering the road. He prayed that whoever it was would be okay.

If only he knew.

As he was about to take another step, he got a call from Jungkook. He was hesitating how to tell and was choking on his own words.

Peter was worried, like very worried. He knew something happened to Sophia and soon he connected the dots that the blood belongs to none other than Sophia.

He asked in stiff voice,

"Which hospital?"


Soon, Peter reached the hospital and his tears couldn't stop falling. If something happened to her, he would never able to confess and never gonna forgive himself.

Life full of regrets.

He saw everyone was crying and was too unstable to even talk.

Jessy and Yoongi was extremely on edge because only they knew that she was suffering from anemia.

Teachers tried to handle the situation as much as they can, giving their best. Being there for their students for comfort and emotional support.

Driver was there too. He was continuously crying and even blaming himself.


Seeing Peter came, Jessy rushed towards him and hugged him. Yoongi who was behind her, gestured to him that he want to talk privately.

When they were alone, Yoongi told him everything that she told him and Jessy the other day.

Anemia. How she didn't want to have an operation. How much she loves Peter and how it kills her seeing him date.

Childhood memories. How they met.



He peeked through the window of ICU and the scene made him so weak that he fell on his knees, fear of losing her was eating him alive.

He kept on praying and praying for her and that if he had to give himself for her then he would.

"Please God, just save her."

As if his prayers were answered, a doctor rushed out and asked for blood donation as they were short of blood.

As Peter and Sophia had same blood group, he immediately stood up to volunteer.

He knew she has lost a lot of blood so tons of blood could be taken, so much.. that he could die due to lack of blood in his body.

What a twisted fate.

One had to make a sacrifice.

Totally turning blind on consequences, he jumped off the cliff to save her.

There were cries of Luna asking him to stop and that they would find some other solution, but too late to back down now. Peter was already following a nurse.

Please let Sophia live.

Please let Sophia live.

Please let Sophia live.

I can't live without her.


On one side,

Peter was on bed in hospital clothes. Eyes red and puffy because of so much crying. Nurse gave him anesthesia.

He was about to lose conciousness but he managed to say this to nurse,

"P-please save her.."


On other side,

Doctors rushed here and there. Blood issue was solved as Peter volunteered and his blood matched all the things they needed to carry the process.

Blood was delivered to ICU immediately and used in blood transfusion after clearing up the minor injuries.

Her breathing was unstable and her condition was very critical. Car hit wasn't too extreme so she didn't had any major injuries but many minor injuries.

As she had anemia (severe stage) that's why losing blood caused so much trouble.


Sophia's POV:

I was in dark. I was scared. It felt so lonely and cold.

A little far from where I was, I saw Peter, slowly slowly walking away.




I ran after him as fast I could but the distance between us kept on increasing. Soon, I tripped and my knees got scratches but he didn't turn around.

I was crying and taking his name desperately but he didn't listen.

Third person's POV:

Tears kept on flowing out of her eyes which were close. Doctors were a little taken aback as she was crying even though she was unconcious.


After trying their best, doctors came out of the ICU with tired faces and..

To be continued.

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