Bloody Messes

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It was getting harder and harder for me to travel back and forth across towns for my work. So my mother and I both agreed it would be best if I found a place to stay in Hemlock Grove. I did not know a lot of people there, except Madeleine, Destiny, Peter, and a few other people. Madeleine already had some family living with her, and I was not comfortable sharing a home with lots of other people since I only lived with my mother. Destiny lived in a shady part of town and as much as she would probably be willing to keep me, I couldn't do that to her. My best bet was Peter.

"So, congratulations, I guess for moving in with me. You already know practically all there is to know. I hope you'll have fun" smiled Peter. He looked around his house, our house, I mean. Sure it was a trailer, one needing lots of repair, but it would be home for now.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me. I guess I'll clean up a little around here. Since it's my house too. If you don't mind." I responded.

"Are you kidding me? You're welcome to do anything your heart desires. Except take my cigarettes" Peter laughed.

"Don't worry. I won't be needing those anytime soon," I winked. I started to organize whatever I could in the house. Peter's house was a trailer. It was small. But it was perfect for only two people. He was one of my closest friends ever and the only friend I met here. While I organized, I asked Peter, "Does that rich friend of yours come here often?"

"Yeah, he drops by from time to time. Why?"

"Just because. If this is my house too, I need to know who's coming in." I explained.

"Yeah, he'll come by one of these days. I think. You'll probably meet him. Try not to flip out," Peter winked.

I shook my head. "Where does he live? What does he do?"

"Okayyy, that's a lot of questions. When he comes around, ask him yourself," Peter said. He then opened a bag of chips and began munching on it. I looked at him suspiciously and went back to organizing.

Living with Peter was not bad at all. He spent most of his time outside, doing work as a mechanic at some car place. And I was at the White Tower. We would eat dinner together and talk about our day and then go to sleep and repeat. Sometimes, though, he did do things that surprised me. Like this one day-

"Peter Rumancek! What on earth is that?" I squealed in horror.

"Crack," Peter replied in the calmest voice. I stared at him in shock.

"What? Don't tell me you've never seen this before," Peter chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "Get that filth away from here, please," I demanded with a hint of anger in my voice. "My house can't have illegal drugs in it."

"Um, this is my house too, if you didn't realize," Peter reminded me.

"Do you want me to throw you out?" I sighed as I looked at Peter with annoyance.

"Ugh, fine. Don't get so worked up," Peter groaned as he took the bag out with him. I swear this boy would land me into so much trouble. I sometimes questioned my sanity because there was no other way I would have agreed to live under the same roof as him. I was way better off with Destiny.

But other than rare days like those, he was fine. A month flew by before my eyes. I continued living with Peter in his trailer and doing my internship. 


While working at the White Tower, I was actively searching for other work to do. Since I was living with Peter, I felt like I should help pay for the expenses. One Friday, a few hours before work ended, I went up to the front desk.

Burnt Sienna (Hemlock Grove // Roman Godfrey AU)Where stories live. Discover now