Gala Dinners and Dances

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As I had hoped, work did help me get mind off of my situation. So far, there were no demonic urges in me. I tried not to make eye contact with anyone because I felt like if I did, I would be opening myself up to people knowing my secret. It was awkward and strange- how I looked normal. And if I hadn't been told, I would go on with life thinking I am 100% okay.

It was a relief in a way that I finally knew why Peter, Destiny, and Roman were a little weirded out when they first saw me. I would have been too. They couldn't put their finger on it, but they instantly noticed. I wasn't just a human being. And now, working in this lab, I felt human. But I knew I wasn't fully one. And this wasn't a dream.

Two weeks had gone by. Peter was being supportive as always. Destiny dropped by more frequently. I had only seen Roman once during these two weeks, and that was when he and Peter came home together one Tuesday and both just talked. So he wasn't even there to see me. I think he just wanted to keep his mind and mine off of the whole freaky demon part of this story. That made sense.

At the end of the Thursday of the second week , Roman called me into his office. I assumed it was to ask if I was okay or not. Instead, it was about the annual gala, held in honor of Mr. J R Godfrey, the founder of the Godfrey Institute and Roman's late father.

"So the gala is in a week."

"Roman, I work at the White Tower. I know the gala's in a week."

"Okay, know-it-all. You're coming with me."

"Pfft. Was every other female in Hemlock Grove unavailable?"

"It's not a joke. You're coming with me," Roman said again.

"Really," I asked.


"But Pryce will be there," I brought up.

"What about him? He's not my babysitter. He won't do shit".

"Are you for real?" I said crossing my arms.

"Yeah, now go online and pick a dress," Roman commanded.

I stood there, arms still crossed. "What makes you think I am going to go with you."

"I said so. That's how I know," Roman responded.

"You're such an entitled prince," I shook my head.

"Aw, you think I am prince charming?" Roman smiled and looked at me.

"Shut up. You know I meant you act like a brat."

"What better things did you have planned any way?" Roman asked.

"I don't feel the need to tell you," I sighed as I took out my phone and began looking online for a dress.

Roman glanced over my shoulder. "Pick that one," he said pointing at a barely- there dress. I glared at him, "Go away, you perv."

Roman took my phone out of my hands and began to swiftly scroll through the dresses. "This will look perfect," he said as he handed me the phone. I looked at the medium-length, beautiful red dress and nodded.

A week later, the dress arrived. The dress I ordered surprisingly fit me well. It was the perfect shade of dark red and my dark raven hair complimented the dress quite well.

After changing into heels, putting on some makeup and perfume, and straightening my hair, I went to Roman's room. He was fixing the black vest he wore over a long sleeved white shirt and above fitted black pants.

"Ready?" I asked.

Roman turned around and scanned me up and down.

"So this is what Sienna looks like when she decides to get all dolled up. Not bad," he chuckled.

"Okay, okay. Now come on. Don't want to be late to your own party".

"that I would give anything not to go to," Roman added in.

"My feelings exactly".

We arrived and as expected, pretty much everyone there stared at roman and me. It made me uncomfortable but I knew full well going into this that I would get stares all night long. Can't avoid it when you're practically glued to Roman Godfrey for the entire night. Roman skipped the small talk, much to my relief. I couldn't stand it and I was glad he didn't either.

After mingling among the guests, Roman got up on stage, talked about the Godfrey institute and the legacy of his father and Dr Pryce's contributions. All scripted. I calmly went near the bar, sat on the bar stool, and asked for a glass of water with lime. If a stranger walked into this event, they would not have the slightest inkling that roman and Pryce had a rocky relationship or a relationship at all. Or that Roman would probably much rather be doing drugs or something somewhere else. It seemed professional and perfect. Rare.

After that, an announcer came and said there would be a dance. I watched as all of the White Tower's elite investors and business-people and their partners held hands and got ready to dance. I was still sitting on a bar stool looking at everyone, holding a glass of water with lime.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and didn't even have to turn to know who it was.

"What now?" I asked.

"Why are you so worked up. If I can behave, you can too," Roman pouted.

"What do you want me to do now?"

"may I have a dance?" roman asked, holding out his hand. I shook my head in suspicion as I placed my hand on his and set the water on the bar counter.

"Since when have you liked to dance."

"Since now. If I'm doing it, you will too."

"I swear one day you'll talk me into killing someone for you," I said.

"Hush, don't want everyone to know," Roman winked as we started to dance.

I don't remember learning to dance but somehow i.managed to without stepping on Roman or tripping. Must be the movies I watched.

"What were you nervous about? You're doing great," Roman said.

"Mr. Godfrey, it's always nice to compliment people but I'm not in the mood." I replied, pressing my lips.

"Who knew dancing with devil was this calm," Roman joked.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't push it."

The event lasted for a total of three hours. After that, once most of the guests started leaving, roman and I thought we should too.

I looked at the remaining people and noticed Pryce was observing roman and me. I knew on Monday, he'll have things to ask or say at work. But that's Monday. Tonight was a Saturday and I didn't have to care about work.

As soon as I got into Roman's car, I traded my heels for bare feet.

"I feel like I wont be able to walk for a week," I said to myself.

"Why's that, princess? I haven't even touched you," Roman kid around and smirked.

"Would you shut up. Always have to make everything about yourself."

"The event wasn't as bad as you thought, right?" Roman asked more serious than his previous comment.

"Not at all. It was better than I thought. But tell me this- why were you in such a good mood?"

"It's my company. I know it may not seem like it, but I really do care about this company, its investments. Also, you made it bearable."

"But I was at the bar drinking water 75% of the event."

"Yeah, but you still gave me a sense of normalcy. Because you know, you're different. I'm different. We have our secrets that everyone else can't relate to."

"Oh right. Yeah, thank you for inviting me."

"The pleasure is all mine," roman said as he pulled into his garage. "Will you stay?"

"Sure thing," I answered.

"Good because I wasn't going to take no for an answer." 

Author's Note: I ship them, sorry not sorry 🙈

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