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last chapter because you know what's better than 24?


I looked at the carriage, and then back at Jack, then once again at the carriage. There was still a lot of commotion and leftover kids from the rally still around. I made my way over to Jack in the crowd, he had just got done making out with Sarah.
"Jack, Hey Jack!"

"Huh? What?" Jack asked, leaning down to listen to me better.
"I'm leaving."
"You're what?"
I pointed at Teddy Roosevelt's carriage and Jack followed my finger.  He looked back at me with a sad look in his eyes. Jack grabbed me by the shoulders and smiled through his pain.

I smiled and gave Jack a quick hug before running to the carriage. This sudden change of heart to fulfill my dreams of leaving New York was a good idea, right?
"Um, Mr. Roosevelt?" I asked up to the older man. He looked down at me with a smile hidden by his mustache. "Yes, child?"

"Think you could take me to the shipyards?"
Mr. Roosevelt smiled. "Brooklyn sound good?"

I thought the question was oddly specific, but Brooklyn was on the ocean line so I figured that maybe he was familiar with the area. I just simply nodded and held his hand to help hoist me into the carriage. Once I was in there I finally realized why he was going to Brooklyn.
"The shipyards, huh?"

"What are you doin' here Spot?" I asked flatly, sitting down across from him. Spot smirked and looked off the side of the carriage. "Getting a ride back home in style. Where you goin'?"
I just simply shrugged. "Wherever the next ship outta here takes me."

Both of us looked at the back of the carriage at someone running after us. We came to a halt and Racetrack lept over the edge of the cart and plopped down beside me. "Think I was gonna let you run off without sayin' goodbye?"

Racetrack wrapped an arm around my shoulders and squeezed tightly which made me smile. I glanced over at Spot, he rolled his eyes and looked out at the scenery passing.

"Thanks for comin' today, Spot." Racetrack told the boy, spitting in his hand and holding it out to Spot. Spot smiled and spit in his own hand, shaking Racetracks. "Haven't seen a lot of ya in Brooklyn, still goin' to the tracks?"

Racetrack nodded and smiled. "Every chance I get."
I thought the interaction between Spot and Racetrack was odd. They were acting like old buddies from way back when, but they were only a year older than me. I shrugged it away and just sat there next to Racetrack, comfortably leaning into his shoulder while he was chatting.

"Oh, and for the record," Racetrack began to speak. "I know."
Spot cocked an eyebrow at his comment. "Know what?"

The largest smirk spread on Race's face and he looked down at me and I instantly knew what he was going to say.
"Don't." I warned.

Racetrack glanced over at Spot and used his hand to point between the two of us and then started to makeout with the air, making slopping noises. I couldn't help but burst out into laughter and it got a chuckle out of Spot.

Racetrack smiled. "I'm not mad, glad that she's finally getting more action and doin' stuff behind ole Jack's back."
"Racetrack!" I tried to protest.

"Hey! Don't be mad at me for puttin' it into words."
Spot just watched the interactions between us with a smile. "You two's close, yeah?"
I shrugged. "You could say. He's like anotha brotha, not that I need one."

We dropped Spot back off in his place and Brooklyn, and it was just Racetrack and I left in the carriage.
"Where you goin'?" Racetrack asked me finally. He tried to make it sound like he didn't care, but I could tell otherwise. He looked down in his lap and gnawed on his lower lip. I started to feel guilty for leaving to quickly. I didn't even say goodbye to the other boys.
"I have no idea." I admitted shamefully.

We saw the docks approach in our sight line. Silence fell over us and we both just looked at our laps.
"When will you be back?" Racetrack asked me.
I looked up at him and he was looking down at me with a small smile. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him and tuck my head against his chest. Racetrack had been my security blanket and the main person I confided in. We've helped eachother so much over the years, I was going to miss him.

"I don't know when I will be back. But I promise to write." I responded. I felt Racetrack chuckle. "You know I'm not very good with the writing stuff."

I pulled back from the hug and looked back up at him. "Jack is, believe it or not."
Racetrack smirked. "I'll remember that."
The carriage came to a stop, just outside of the shipyards. I exited the carriage with Racetrack following me. We both thanked Mr.Roosevelt for the ride and watched him roll away.

"So this is it." I sighed heavily. Racetrack wrapped his arms around me and hugged me again. "We're gonna miss you,"
I let out a half-hearted chuckle. "I know."

That just made racetrack squeeze me tighter. "I love ya, Slick."
"Love ya too, Race."

A long and loud ship horn blew off in the harbor. Both our heads looked in that direction.
"Sounds like your rides about to leave."

I sighed and stepped away from racetrack and began to head into the shipyard. I turned to look back and him and he encouraged me to keep walking with his hands. I smiled softly and turned around, sprinting to sneak onto the nearest ship.

And that's the end of this book. I want to thank everybody who read it and who liked it, it means so much to me. I have the first chapter of the second book published now so please please please go check that out! It will include a lot more original content!
Anyway, thanks again Fansies

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