Dare 3

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Creator: A dare from SitiNafisa who says,' I dare Tengu to take Theresa on a date. I'm looking forward for a kiss ♥' here you go!
Tengu: hey, Theresa! Wanna hang out?

Theresa: sure. Let me get ready.

Tengu: *took her hand* let's go!

At the park

Tengu: Wanna grab something to eat? I'll pay.

Theresa: oh. Can I get ice cream? I love sweet stuff.

Tengu: Sure. But nothing is sweeter than you. *wink*

Theresa: *giggled and blushed* aw, thanks Tengu. You're a great person. *hugged*

Tengu: *hugged and gave her ice cream from a store* here.

After the long walk

Theresa: hey, Tengu? Why did you bring me out?

Tengu:*sweat and sigh* we..well, I want to make you happy. You know why?

Theresa: why?

Tengu: *cupped her face* Because I love you. *kiss her lips*

Theresa: *kissed back* OMG! He loves me!

Tengu: * break the kiss* will you be my girlfriend?

Theresa: *hugged him tightly* Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll be your girlfriend! Just promise that you'll never leave me.

Tengu: I won't. *hugged her back*
Aw, please ask more or dare! This is the third dare in a row. They love torture you guys huh. Welp, see ya soon

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