Ask 142-144 Dare 145 -147

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1. Howard, have you did something that made your family proud? If so, what was that certain thing?

Howard: Uh... I don't know.

Heidi: He never did.

2. I dare someone (preferably the most annoying) to scream "Ree" at the top of their lungs.

Randy: Howard, Tengu No-!

Tengu and Howard: RREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Nomi: *hit Howard and Tengu's head hard* Be. Quiet.

Tengu and Howard: Yes sir...

3. Have anyone of you broke something that was expensive?

Howard: Uh...

Tengu: Hurm...

Heidi: Nope.

Steven: Not that I know off.

Theresa: I don't remember, I think it was my mother's favorite vase?

Debbie: Nope.

Nomi: I did broke my bones and the hospitality is pretty expensive.

Randy: *angry but smiled sinisterly* MOST. OF. MY. STUFF. IS. EXPENSIVE. AND. THEY. DESTROYED. IT.

Everyone else: We're sorry!!!

4. Randy, break someone's computer and if they asked why you did it, just say "Potatoes".

Randy: *destroyed Howard's laptop*

Howard: Cunningham, why?!

Randy: *sinister smile* Potatoes.

Howard: (I have a bad feeling about this...)

5. Tengu, are you an e-boy?

Tengu: A hot one actually~

6. Everyone, prank war! The first three survivors win and can make the loser's nightmare exists.

B.M: *sips tea* Oh, if you want to know, Randy is the prank master so of course he won, with Howard and Nomi. The loser is Heidi sadly and thus her nightmare becoming an old lady like her mother exists.

K.C: Continue on.

7. To the children, do the T-pose and form a circle. Stay like this and try to say every single asdf movie that you know. Each get a turn.

Children: What's asdf?

Akai: I don't think so, we rarely watch movies actually mister.

Maria: Yeah, we do our own thing.

Mike: It's sad we can't enjoy as much.

Yuuri: All because of our parents.

Randy: *smiled* did I hear something about us?

Akai: *sweats* Nothing, mom!

Ask & Dare The RC9GN characters (including me)Where stories live. Discover now