Ask 131-134 Dare 137-138

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1. What's your favorite thing about your parents? (For the kids)

Akai: I love Mommy's food and daddy's fighting skills! I'm training on both of it.

Maria: Knife throwing I suppose.

Dylan: Techs! They are pros of it.

Yuuri: Secret that you don't have to know.

2. For Howard, how many dumplings can you stuff in your mouth?

Howard: As many as I can. Last record was 27.

3. I dare everyone to eat spicy noodles and no drinking water for 24 hour, except the kids.

Randy: Oh no...

Nomi: Come at me Ramen!

Tengu: *breath out fire*

Theresa: *sweats a lot*

Howard: Too spicy!!

Debbie: *holding it*

Yuuki: Nope.

Yooka: Nope.

B.M: Yum!

K.C: Delicious.

Heidi: *vomit* too spicy!!!

Steven: How does Asian people handle these?!

4. I dare Randy and Nomi to play Home Sweet Home (all games?

B.M: One word, impressive.

5. Tengu what's your favorite type of music?

Tengu: rock music and ... Fine classical.

Randy: Little Einstein?

Tengu: Shut up!

6. Theresa I dare you to blast K-pop in the house.

Theresa: K-pop hm... *Open Dynamite by BTS on 11*

Everyone else: QUIET DOWN!

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