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B.M: Enjoy!ShaiShai2001 is petty good at this. Anyone else wants to ask or dare, go ahead. ^^ be sure to ask and dare at the very first chapter. See ya soon ^^ also, sorry for no pictures. I had no time... And also my laptop crashed. I'll try to put it soon.
Randy: *kissed Howard on the cheek* ugh, that's shnasty. Hopefully they won't see it.

Howard: *saw Nomi and Debbie* oh no.... They saw us...

Nomi: Debbie, shall we go now? *angry and jealous*

Debbie: PlEaSuRe.

Howard: Wait, Debs! I'm sorry!

Randy: Wait, Nomi! I'm sorry!!!

Tengu: 'Have you ever got into trouble?' Yes, I once exploded the science lab by accident. It was fun actually.

Nomi: 'did your hair grow back after the Author cut it?' Yes. Its natural. Besides, I already cut hers.

Randy: 'what do you guys think of the secret trio drawing and comic thing with Jack and Danny?' It was fun actually. Can't wait to see them again.

Nomi: I don't care. As long as I get to see the masters, I don't mind. Like Clock Work and Sensei. It was fun. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be meditating alone. *walks away*

Randy: I'm so sorry!!! *chased him*

B.M: I hope y'all enjoyed. See ya.

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