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K.C: Alright then, let's start. Uh... Hey, B.M let's just answer these okay?

B.M: ... Okay.

1: I dare Theresa to color Howard's hair blonde.

Theresa: Oh okay! Let's see... Aha! Howard come here!

Howard: No!!!

3 hours later.

Howard: *cry* my hair...

Theresa: Okay I'll admit, not really a good look on you.

2: Akai to create a chicken nugget gun and shoot everyone with it.

Akai: Sorry, I can't do mechanicals yet. Also... *Looks at Phoenix who accidentally came into the room and heard the dare* I don't think someone I'm particular want me to do it.

3: To the adults, I dare you to play nerfs battle. (Top vs Bottom)

Randy: Ah yes, the classic. And let me save this for you dear, the bottom had one 3 out of 2 times.

Nomi: You cheated!

Randy: Says the one who placed melon on the ground blocking us.

4: Kids if you are able to break one rule what rule would it be?

Akai: hmm, I guess sweets before dinner thing.

Maria: Letting me to play knives!

Mike: Doing mechanicals until midnight.

Yuuri: Magic practices and being a sarcastic person I am.

Samantha: Um, being a blogger now?

5: How are you feeling, B.M?

Nomi: I feel like she's having some bad time.

Randy: Nomi, not the sans reference!

K.C: You okay dear?

B.M: ... I'm fine. I just went to a misunderstanding and someone's suicidal death wish... It's okay it's not my fault. I could've save them...

K.C: Don't worry dear, we're here for you. *Hugs B.M*

B.M: *hugs back and fell asleep*

K.C: Thank you guys for the questions and dares. See you soon. *Looks at B.M's sleeping face, smiles and gives a kiss on the forehead* I love you, my sweetheart.

Ask & Dare The RC9GN characters (including me)Where stories live. Discover now