Chapter Six: No Time Left {Night Three}

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The bell chimes as the clock turns twelve, signalling that the night shift had begun. I look around at my friends, we were one down but still remained positive. After all we don't know how tonight will end, what if one of us dies? What if we all die? The fact that the animatronic don't seem to remember anything that happens during the night is unsettling too, that means that when the bodies of those that they killed were found they had no recollection of any of it.

"So you've been trying to figure who I am, hmm?" A voice laughs from behind me. I jump backwards before realising it was Ian, "Seriously stop doing that. Next time that happens I'll leave a note out here for the animatronics to kill you." I reply.

"Wow you're nice. Anyway you still haven't answered my question. Why are you looking into who I am? What does it matter to you?"

"Apart from the fact that everything about you is quite frankly strange and you still haven't answered my questions from last night, I don't know I just felt like doing some research."

"What if this guys one of the animatronics but he isn't controlled by anything?" Skippy questions, "Or maybe he's--"

"Alright stop with the speculation. I'm not an animatronic, if I was then you wouldn't still be breathing. I'm just a... kindred spirit, I'm somewhat of a guide." Ian explains, "I'm not dead but I'm not really alive... I guess I'm just here. Nobody really cared about me on the outside world so when I came here and I became trapped, I decided to help those who were unfortunate enough to find their way here. Maybe you people can live once this weeks over but I can't..."

"Why not? You could come with us!" Dragon suggests, "Or maybe we can help you in return!" Ian shakes his head and sighs, "I've tried leaving but I'm not sure on how to anymore. I can't leave through the doors or the windows, it's like I'm stuck in here forever."

"You're stuck with the animatronics and forced to listen to the same songs played over and over again day after day. You see people entering and leaving here but you can't." I say recapping everything I had heard quietly to myself. "You can interact with us and we can do the same with you. So there must be a loophole here somewhere."

"Unless you can figure out what happened to me then I don't think so..." He sighs bowing his head. "Maybe then I can leave here, finally. I just want to go home..."

"We'll try to help you! Friends look out for each other, right?" I say smiling. He raises his head up and everyone else nods his heads in unison, "If we can survive the week then we can help you too!"

"Wow no-ones ever offered to help me before, mainly because most of them died on the first or second night. Thank you honestly. Now all emotions aside, are you still keeping an eye on--"


We're coming!

Tap tap tap!

"Where's that coming from?" Olivia asks worriedly glancing in different directions. Our eyes rest upon an all too familiar animatronic racing towards us; Chica. I didn't have the time to look at him properly before we all began to run in the opposite direction from the running chicken. The situation would be rather humorous if the chicken wasn't bent on killing us. We race down the halls, the sound of chirping and squawking was so close it felt as if he was right next to us. I push the thought of that from my mind and continue pushing myself forward until I was too tired to move anymore. The sound of chirping stops and I fall down against the wall, my breathing heavy and my heartbeat fast.

"Hah, never thought I would find myself running from a chicken." I breathe out laughing silently. I hold the wall for support and then feel two hands grab my arms and pull me to my feet. I look up and nod a thank you to Ian who simply nods in return, "Now where to next?"

"I'm seeing one of these guys looking directly at the camera, I'm guessing he's close by." Olivia speaks up glancing up briefly from her tablet, "We should avoid the Backstage area and the Main Stage. Bonnie and I think Kitty are out."

"I'm not sure about Kitty's movements but Bonnie's are predictable. He'll only attack from the left side never the right. Chica attacks from the right. So basically just watch yourself." Ian says patting what he thought to be the wall before turning to look at the object. It was an endoskeleton-- but it was empty, luckily. None of us were gone as of yet. Sophie remained quiet for most of the night, she never replied when I asked if she was okay. I figured that she must've been thinking about something so I left her be.

I click my flashlight on and scan the area around me, the bright light illuminating the entire hallway. I sigh and place my finger on the off button before feeling another presence in front of me. I slowly look up to see a pony standing at the end of the hallway, it's head twitching in different directions. I back up as does everyone else and try to stay as silent as we can before hearing someone trip over something and alerting the animatronic we were there. Its eyes flash open and it begins to run down the hall straight for us. Again? I think to myself as I help Skippy up. I can't be bothered running again! We retrace our footsteps and as we turn the corner, I hear a bloodcurdling scream behind us followed by a loud childlike scream then abrupt silence. Nothing. White noise filled the air as everyone came to a stop. I look around at everyone, mentally saying their name as I look at them but I miss out Sophie. Wait... No... It couldn't be? The footsteps begin to get quieter and quieter but we all remain still and silent. Another one, another friend, gone. But to the animatronics, they wouldn't remember any of this. It would be as if nothing even happened to them. They wouldn't remember brutally killing two of my best friends, they weren't programmed to. I sigh and turn my flashlight back on, seeing everyone's sad expressions as they finally realise what had happened. I want to be mad at the animatronics but it's not their fault but it is at the same time. If they weren't programmed like that then they wouldn't act like this. If they hadn't tried to modify them then my friends would still be alive and we would all make it out of here alive.

"What time is it?" I ask quietly. Olivia pulls up the tablet and sighs shakily, "It's five am." She says, "Just a little longer and we would've made it. She would've made it."

"I don't want to be here anymore I just want to go home." I say running my hands anxiously through my hair. I miss my bed, the food, the wifi. Mainly the wifi. We take everything for granted but when it's taken away from us, we don't really understand how much the thing actually meant to us. With each friend that leaves, a little piece of me leaves along with them. The impact was strong and it felt like a wave of emotions was hitting me hard. "I want to go home..."

"We all do but we can tough it out for a little longer, can't we?" Skippy says trying to reassure me. I brush her comment off and slide down against the wall, "I don't want to tough this out anymore. I just want to leave, I don't care anymore!" I reply raising my voice on accident. I groan and hit my head against the wall, "They could kill me now and I wouldn't care."

"You're not allowed to be sad here! Your friends are here and we're all going to make it, okay? No matter what happens we all will make it out alive. Now shut up and get up off the floor." Olivia says holding her hand out to me. I think about it for a few seconds before accepting the offer and letting her help me up, "Now I believe it is now..."

Night shift is now over and all animatronics will power down for the night! The day shift will commence in a few hours.

"What did I tell ya?" Olivia laughs.

{wow I am just treating you guys this week I updated this three times!! yeah please love me I haven't slept in a few days just to make sure I update this please thank you}

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