Chapter Seven: A Plan {Day Four}

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As the day shift began so did our preparations for the night shift. We, of course, couldn't be seen slacking off while on the day shift so we figured out a way to make it look like as if we were working. By hacking the cameras, we repeated footage of us working yesterday on an endless and seamless loop so it looked legit. Currently we were two people down but that didn't stop our plans, we had it all figured out. By taking each area of the building in teams of two or three, just like the first or second night, we can cover more ground. One team has the monitor and we each record our findings to each other through walkie talkies. If anyone gets into trouble then the team closest to them can try to help but if the situation gets bad then there's not much we could do, we can't risk losing anyone else. The animatronics continued with their daily routine as did we; eventually the manager figured out that the footage was looped; how he did we don't know. It looked legit to us.
I hear clunking to the left of me and by instinct I swing myself around only to be greeted by a worn down Foxy. Its body looks as if it had been dragged through a bush backwards and its head was hanging down to the side, only being supported by its shoulder.
"Aye ol' Foxy needs some help here, lassie. Mind helpin' an ol' sea dog out?" I nod and lead Foxy down the hall to the maintenance room where I sat him down on a stool and checked his wiring. Everything looks fine... why would he be needing help? Suddenly Foxy grabs my arm and I yelp at the sheer cold of his metallic claws as they dig into my skin.
"W-What happened last night? Tell Foxy. Tell Foxy. Tell Foxy." Foxy continues to repeat himself, with each repeat of the sentence his claws dug deeper into my skin until I shake him off. I hold my hand over the bleeding patch of my arm and stare directly into Foxys cold eyes, "I won't tell you." I say.
"Funny that, ol' Foxy thinks you will." Foxy replies. If he had a proper mouth then he would be smiling as wide as a Cheshire cat. "Cause if ye don't then I'll make ye regret it."
I freeze and breathe slowly as I realise what he meant; he would kill one of us if I didn't tell him. But I couldn't! What if it set them off? I couldn't risk that!
"There's not much that you could do to make me regret it, Foxy. Sorry sea dog but you're not getting any of us this time." I say as I quickly run to the door and lock it behind me, in turn locking Foxy in the room. I make my way down the hall ignoring the banging sounds from the room that Foxy was in and walk out to the Main Stage where everyone was gathered.
"What's happening here?" I ask as I look at everyone who return a look of sadness. "We found these." Skippy says as she hands me a few pictures of some people. I stare at them for a few seconds, flicking through the pictures one by one before realising what they were. They were pictures of the past employees and each picture had a time at the top. One had five am, another had four am, one even had two am. As I look at them closer I recognise one of them; Ian.
"Huh... so what he said was true then." I mumble to myself as I bite the inside of my lip. "These people all died here, right?" Everyone nods their heads and I continue, "Then we have to make it out of here in their memory. We can't let them die in vain. At least now we have another motive to make it out in one piece."
"I'd rather not turn into a robot if I'm honest. But yeah we do have to make it out of here, not just for us but for these guys who died here and for everyone else who died here over the years." Dragon announces proudly as she places a hand against her chest. The thought of death wasn't scary to me but the thought of being alive while being stuffed in that suit scares me. What do they feel as they get forcefully stuffed in that suit? It must be agony... I couldn't go through that, not for a second. I'd rather give my left arm than do that.
We all head back to do our duties but I keep the pictures that Skippy gave me in my pocket, as a reminder. A reminder that not everyone is successful but if you hang in then someone can help you reach success.
"Uh hello? I'm sorta lost can you help me out?" A young males voice says from behind me. I turn around and I'm face to face with the rather attractive male. His arm had a sleeve of tattoos and his hair was somewhat messy and had the beginnings of a moustache that looked strange on him.

"Sure uh where are you headed?" I ask as I place one of my hands in my pocket. "This place called Freddy Fazbears Pizza, I heard there was a job opening? I mean I'm pretty sure that's why I'm here... I can't really explain it but I feel like something's pulling me here." The male replies quietly, scratching the back of his neck. "Oh uh my name is Aleks by the way."

"My name is Rachel and you should leave." I pause, "I mean you shouldn't be here. I mean this place isn't where you want to be. You want to get far away from this place, it's for your own good."

"But it's a pizzeria. It's not like the pizza comes alive and eats you instead." Aleks jokes, "I'm Russian please laugh at my jokes, I'm funny."

"Please just leave, it is for your own good. This place isn't safe. Not for a guy like you anyway." I mumble the last part and Aleks looks at me with an offended expression, "Do you see the tattoos? I'm hardcore. I could take on the killer pizzas any day."

"It's not the pizza that kills you." I say coldly which startles Aleks, "It's the animatronics." "Wait... animatronics... security guard job with... James."

Aleks' expression turns sad as he mentions someone called James who I assume was his best friend. "James died a year ago and I didn't remember anything until now. Which is why I need a job here!" Aleks slams his fist into the palm of his hand and I sigh, "Come with me and I'll see if we can get you a job here."

"Thank you honestly. Hey if I wasn't so arrogant then I wouldn't be getting a job here would I?" I roll my eyes at his remark, "Your Russian humour doesn't work on me." I reply.

"So who's the new guy?" Olivia asks me as I walk up to her, "His name is Aleks. And he's Russian." I answer. "He's strange that's for sure but he's got a reason for wanting to be here."

"Do go on." Olivia replies as she sits down on the table top, I sit down next to her and start speaking. "Apparently him and his friend, James, were here a year ago but James died here and Aleks didn't remember anything until I mentioned the animatronics and he was annoying me until I agreed to get him a job here."

"That certainly was an interesting story. A riveting love story with death and depression. Sounds like something Shakespeare would be proud of."

"I'm not sure who's worse; Aleks or you." I sigh, "Then again his Russian humour is worse than your sarcasm."

"Way to put me down. Kick me while I'm down, why don't you?" Olivia mocks as she slaps the back of my head, "Did you show Aleks those photos? I mean like the ones with him and James in them? If they were in any that is."

"No not yet, it might set him off and the last thing we need here is someone going insane." I roll my eyes and lie back on the table, "As if none of us aren't going insane already."

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