Chapter Eleven; I'm So Sorry {Year 1987}

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A small child walks out of the toy store with his mother, jumping up repeatedly to try and pry the Golden Freddy plush from her hands but she ignores him and walks towards the pay phone where she phoned one of her friends. The child got tired of trying to get the toy and hears the music coming from the restaurant next door. He walks away from his mother and towards the music, it was almost as if he was in a trance. He walked through the building until he reached the Front Stage; that was where he finally saw his favourite animatronics in real life. The child was a huge Freddy Fazbear fan but his mother never agreed to let him go to the restaurant; the animatronics weren't 'normal' as she would argue. She didn't agree with him liking the animatronics but she decided if she got him plushies of them then her son would stop bugging her about going to the restaurant.

He ran up to the front and started dancing to Freddy's bands music, completely forgetting the fact that he had just left his mother without saying a word. Surely she would notice, right? Of course she would.

As his mother looked around for any sign of her son, he was inside Freddy Fazbears Pizza having the time of his life. Soon the music stopped and the animatronics bowed, the children all cheered as they left the stage. The boy decided to sit down at one of the tables but before he could do anything else, a rather shabby looking Freddy comes back out onto the stage.

"Hey there kiddies," he says in a gruff voice, "follow me backstage for a surprise! Not all of you though. Just five." 'Freddy' points at four children and then finally at the boy. He was nervous but still excited. He could finally meet one of his idols! The boy hurried up the stairs and followed the man backstage with the four other children behind him. As the door closed behind them, the animatronics came back out on stage and it was then that Freddy had noticed the children missing and the fact that someone else had been backstage. He left the stage and started to look around for anything strange but it wasn't long until he heard a blood-curling scream down the hall. He rushed as fast as his metallic body could go and ended up outside of the Party Room. He banged and banged on the door but it was no use; the door was tightly locked. All he could do was watch as the children were brutally murdered one by one. Each child lay in a pool of their own blood on the floor, some limbs bent back in ways they weren't supposed to and their necks snapped. However there was still one child left; the child in the blue jumper that Freddy had spotted in the crowd earlier. He came in by himself; and he would be leaving himself if Freddy didn't help him. Freddy continued pounding at the door until the locks snapped and fell to the ground with a clang. He rushed in but it was too late; the man in the suit had already drove a knife through the small boys chest and twisted it until he was satisfied. He yanked the knife out and let the child fall lifeless down to the floor, small gasps of desperation escaped his mouth until his lungs filled up with blood and choked him to death. With the man now happy with his work he decided to do what he thought was best; hide the bodies in the animatronics. And what a coincidence! One of them was already here.

"Who are you?" Freddy asked in his robotic voice, it almost sounded as if he was scared. The man laughs and slowly pulls off the suit head and throws it down to the floor, "A man who wants revenge." The man's eyes were as white as the blinding sun and his body was covered with purple from tip to toe. He approached Freddy and slammed his hand against his 'power down' button and sent to work shoving one of the children's bodies into the suit. It was rather hard at first but after he removed a few wires here and there and broke a few more bones, it was simple.

By the time that Freddy had powered back up again, he felt different. As if something else was inhabiting his body with him. All he could remember was the man in purple killing the children and then... dark. Freddy glanced around himself to see Chica and Bonnie standing with the same look of confusion. What happened? They were confused and most of all, scared. Freddy looked down at his hand and saw the red stains of blood seeping through his fur. He began panicking and rushed to the closest mirror only to see patches of blood underneath his eye sockets.

It wasn't long until this had reached the local newspaper, the news, everything. The man in purple smiled as he saw the familiar face of Freddy Fazbear and 'the gang' with the words 'due to close' around it.

"Hah, and I'm just getting started." The man said with a sly smile on his face and set down the newspaper.

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