"How are we supposed to do the day shift if we're like this?" Olivia asks as she picks up the Freddy mask and puts it on, "But I could be an animatronic instead. Ooo spooky."
I slap the mask and roll my eyes, "Could you be serious for one goddamn minute? We have more things to worry about than the stupid day shift!" I reply as I get up to my feet from the floor I had been laying on for the past half an hour or so. I had gotten used to my new limbs but it still felt rather strange. I guess that's normal after all. Olivia takes the mask off and throws it in the corner of the room carelessly.
"Let's just wander around then, nobody can shout at us for doing that," Olivia suggests. I shrug my shoulders and follow her out of the Parts and Service room. Everything seemed so normal during the day but at night, everything came alive. One thing I didn't mention at the time was the fact I saw something purple in the corner of my eye last night; but it wasn't the normal Bonnie like the one that's outside performing. It was... withered, broken down. Now that I think about it, there were more than four animatronics out. There was this small... child like one with a sigh that said 'Balloons!' on it that was rather terrifying. I heard about this animatronic that usually hangs around the Kids Cove except it wasn't your average animatronic. It was one of those 'take apart and reassemble' ones but it wasn't supposed to be that. It used to be in Kids Cove as an actual animatronic to entertain the kids but children began taking the poor thing apart and every time staff rebuilt her, they would tear her back down again. Is it bad to feel compassion for such a creature? Imagine living your life, day in and day out you were taken apart from careless children just for fun? I would hate that...
"There's something I wanna check out, come with me," I say as I quickly pick up my pace, the sound of metallic clunking ricocheting off the walls with every step I take. I stop in front of the door to Kids Cove and feel Olivia collide into the back of me, sending us both into the room as the door swung open. I groan and shake my head as I push her off me, "Thanks for that," I say as I get up to my feet. I look around the room and spot pieces of paper on the walls. I walk closer to them and pull one of them off the wall, the sight was awful.
Children tearing off the animatronics arms and legs, smiling with glee as if they were enjoying it but the animatronic lay still throughout the whole ordeal. It seemed almost sad, as if it was feeling pain? I pull another drawing off the wall except this one was more vivid with the frayed wires coming from the animatronics body and blood was emitting from its hollowed eyes. How was that possible though? Unless the child thought it would be bleeding... but it's a robot. Then again this past week or so has made me rethink a lot of things so maybe it is possible.
"Wh...Who are you?" A wheezy voice gasps out from the corner of the room. I turn around quickly to see who it was but instead of seeing a person, I saw an animatronic. It's body lay in pieces, it's paw holding one of its eyes and wires were poking out everywhere, "Are you here... to harm me?"
I shake my head and cautiously walk over towards it before being stopped by Olivia, "Dude stop. What if this is a trap?" "Well that's a chance I'll take," I reply simply as I shake her hand off my arm and slowly creep over to the mangled mess in the corner. I crouch down and take a few seconds to look at her, as does she to me. She pushes herself up using her functioning paw and tries to push her jaw up into place but it fails.
"Why do they... do it? Why do they harm... me? It hurts, so much..." She whimpers, "I don't understand it. Do they... not like me?"
"Don't think like that. Children nowadays are like that, they'll break anything they get their hands on. I'm so sorry that you've had to go through though. Nobody deserves that," Even if they could be a killer.
"I-- wait... are you animatronics? You have... flesh and bone yet you have... metal limbs. Why?" The one I will now call Mangle asks as she extends her claw out to my metal arm. I flinch as she touches it and she quickly draws back.
"It's a long story. We--" I begin talking before being rudely interrupted by Aleks crashing through the door. His breathing was heavy and he looked as if he had been running from something, "That's where you guys went! Th-There's been an accident. One of the animatronics has gone nuts and we can't stop it! It keeps saying something over and over again and it won't respond to any of our commands!"
"BonBon..." Mangle whispers, "Is the animatronic... blue?" Aleks nods his head and Mangle drags herself up to the door, "BonBon was always a little off... maybe I can fix him." And with that she disappeared out the door. Aleks, Olivia and I all exchange glances before following her out to the stage, she left a trail of broken pieces of metal where she went so it wasn't too hard to find her. We approach the stage and soon hear a chorus of screams which instantly worries us so we run in through the doors only to see Mangle holding back 'BonBon' from attacking a small child, her hair was caught in his tight grasp. Aleks runs over and tries to untangle her hair but the bunnys grip was too tight, it was almost impossible. Within a few seconds, Mangle managed to loosen his grip on the child's hair and she instantly ran over to her parents who were staring me and Olivia down. I get confused for a few seconds then remember about... the limbs thing. The blue bunny soon calms down but the large majority of the customers had already left by this point, all that was left was a small child who was cowering under a table. I bend down and offer my human hand out to him for him to take and he shakily takes it but doesn't move, "What's happening?" He asks quietly.
"It's okay everything's under control now. Bunny is taken care of okay?" I say in a reassuring tone but the child shakes his head, "I want my mom and dad," he replies. I look around but see nobody else here, maybe they left? Maybe they did...
"How about you come out and wait with us for a while yeah?" I offer. He nods his head and crawls out from under the table and sits up on the chair, "Why have you two got metal arms? Ooo were you practising magic or something?" He asks. I laugh at that, I'm guessing he meant alchemy or maybe he did mean magic.
"Uh well again, that's a long story. It's rather complicated if I'm honest," Olivia says as she holds her left arm in the air and flails it around, "but it's fun."
"You really can't be serious can you?" I reply. Olivia shakes her head and Aleks walks over to join us, "I wanna know why you've got metal limbs too. Please inform us." He sits down next to the child and I look at Olivia who just shrugs.
"Really? Ugh fine," I say as I begin telling them both what happened. I leave out a few of the details of course, like the blood and the fact we have a dude who helps us out at night but he doesn't come out during the day. He could just be a vampire, that's a possibility. Soon enough I finished telling the story and both Aleks and the child were still intrigued.
"Can I get metal limbs? I want some." Aleks says as he looks at his arms, "Except I wouldn't have these sweet tattoos anymore. Maybe just my legs then?"
"You can't just get these. You have to--" I stop remembering that the kid was still here and I quickly change the subject, "It's nearly night shift time but the kids still here. We can't really start it yet, can we?"
"Can I join you guys for a night shift?" Aleks asks, "Please? I promise I won't be a hassle! Kinda." I roll my eyes and nod my head to Aleks' delight. I see the kid bow his head in sadness and let out a small sigh. I don't think his parents were coming back... Wait. Now that I think about it, the kids wearing the same uniform as Balloon Boy and looks just like him. Wait.
The night shift hasn't begun but... this animatronic can move regardless of time?

Five Nights At Freddy's 2: Re-opening
Fanfiction"If we stick together then everything should be okay," After the forced closure of the once loved Freddy Fazbears Pizza, everything went back to normal. Except for the ones who survived the seven nights of working there. The constant night horrors a...