Chapter Ten; The Man Behind The Slaughter {Night Five}

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Night shift began over five minutes ago but I was still distracted by the child. He hasn't moved in ages... he's just staring at that tile on the floor, that same exact tile. Maybe it held some sort of significance to him? Probably not but its a good theory. Or maybe he really likes tiles.

"Who's he?" I hear someone say behind me, his voice familiar. I turn around to see Ian looking at Aleks and Aleks doing the same back, his look a look of confusion though.

"Where the hell did you come from? What are you, a ghost?" Aleks asks as I mentally facepalm. Maybe 'ghost' is the best term for him anyway.

"I'm always here. Anyway answer my question, who are you?" Ian asks once again to Aleks' annoyance. Aleks holds out his hand to him, "The names Aleksandr and I'll be joining you all on your night shift tonight."

"Cool. I'm Ian, hey." Ian replies as he shakes Aleks' hand, "Also what's up with the creepy kid?" He nods his head to the child who just slowly turns his head up to him, the small grin on his face widening as he makes eye contact with Ian.

"I'm not creepy... I'm just lonely," the child says as a laugh emits from him and then the lights cut off as if someone had pulled out all of the wires. My head shoots from side to side as I try to find where everyone was but then the lights turn back on with a whirr and a small crackle. The room was still dim however, it was almost as if the lights weren't even on.

"What are you doing?" Ian asks Aleks who was tightly hugging his arm, "Get off me please." He shakes his arm and Aleks lets out as he runs a hand through his hair subtly, "I'm not scared of the dark. Why would you say that?" He answers the question that nobody had asked him.

"We're stuck with you for six hours," I hear Ian sigh and I roll my eyes, "Grow up both of you," I say in an exasperated tone. I take the flashlight out from my pocket and flick it on but to my despair, it wouldn't turn on. I try repeatedly hitting the on button but the batteries must have died a while back. I hit the flashlight out of anger then sigh before turning to Olivia, "Is your flashlight working?" I ask.

She takes out her flashlight and flicks it on but it doesn't come on, "Well we'll either have to rely on these dim ass lights or we can find more batteries." She says as she puts her flashlight back in her pocket. There could be some in the Parts and Service room so I suggest going there and we all agreed. Well except from Aleks.

"Wait wait wait... what do we use for protection against these things? I-I'm not walking around with those creepy ass animatronics out on the prowl. Plus I don't think Bonnie likes me very much... the way he looks at me isn't reassuring," Aleks shudders at the thought of the bunny. I tell him either stay here and be bait or come with us and live- maybe- and he agrees to come with us. The only animatronic that worried me was that kid, it just wasn't... normal. Nothing should seem so humanlike, it's not right. As we all walk along the long corridor, a child like laughter rings throughout my ears and the pitter-patter of small children's feet follows it. I shudder and put my hands in my pockets, I wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't anymore because I hadn't slept in over a week. We had no flashlight but... but we still had that monitor/tablet, right?

"Olivia, you still got that monitor?" I ask as I keep my focus ahead of me. She remains quiet for a few seconds before speaking, "No I have no idea where it is. I had it earlier but maybe... maybe they took it. Ugh now we have no way of knowing where the animatronics are anymore,"

"We'll have to rely on our hearing I suppose," Ian says, "it's our best bet right now." I look around myself every few seconds for any sign of them but luckily we were fine for now. I step forward and hear a soft crinkle as I look down to see a piece of paper underneath my foot. I lift my feet up and pull the paper up,

"Are you ready to Party with Freddy? Be here on 13/11/87!" It read but the rest of the text was smudged with a big red 'x' through the text and through the smiling face of Freddy Fazbear. I fold up the poster and put it in my pocket, I might need it for reference later or something. But wait, 1987 was the year that incident happened so maybe that's why the poster was scrubbed out? The date corresponds so it could be possible.

"Guys?" I hear Aleks say from behind me, "I think we have company." I turn around and see a man in complete purple smiling and staring at us. He wore a badge that read 'Security Guard' and his eyes were hollowed out and white. His grin was wide and sinister and as he took a step closer to us, we all took a step back.

"Hello there. My name is Vincent and well... you'll regret ever coming here." The man in purple laughs and we all quickly sprint away, I knew he was following us as I could hear his heavy footsteps over the sound of our own. I turn round a bend in the corridor and hide behind the wall, letting out a breath of relief before freezing up as I realise everyone must've took a different turn. I silently curse to myself and then a flash of purple comes into view and I start breathing heavily.

"Oh well well well, a sheep strayed from the herd it seems? That's too bad. Looks like you're one for the slaughter," Vincent says as he slowly pulls a knife from his pocket. I have to say; the metaphor was good, I'll give him that. I hold my arm up to protect myself and I see him stare at it in confusion, "A metal arm? What are you?" he shakes his head and groans, "No matter. I'll just kill you and save you the hassle."

"Not to-today," a twitchy voice yells as a metal tray collides with Vincent's head, knocking him down to the floor. I look up from the collapsed purple man on the floor and see Chica holding a tray, her gaze directly on mine. Her head twitches to the right and I see Aleks and Ian standing at the end of he hallway so I nod my head at her and run towards them, quickly turning around to see Chica no longer standing; Vincent was no longer on the floor either. I shake my head and then stop in front of Aleks and Ian, "Hey guys," I say casually. They both exchange glances then ask in unison, "What happened?"

"I dunno. One minute I was gonna die next Chica is helping me and I'm confused and I don't know anymore." I reply as I shrug my shoulders and hold my head in my hands, "Although I know what animatronic is getting a Christmas card this year."

"Really? Are you kidding me?" Ian asks as he shakes his head, "You just near enough died and-- you know what nevermind. I don't know either."

I look around and I notice Olivia wasn't with us so I ask where she went. Aleks replied with a simple, "She's in the Parts room looking for batteries. She'll be fine."

"You people never cease to amaze me," I say as I push past Aleks and walk into the Parts room to see Olivia talking with someone in the corner of the room. I approach her quietly and hear a male voice say, "I don't remember anything. One second I'm here at the night job as I usually do and the next I'm here." The man had a rugged look with messy hair and a Legend of Zelda T-shirt. I see him look up at me and then nod his head, "Is she one of the ones who work with you here now? How about those two--" I notice the man stare at the door and then freeze. I follow his gaze which led to Ian who looked worried for some odd reason.

"You... you lived?" The man asks Ian who just tilted his head, "What? I-I don't understand, who are you?" Ian asks. The man jumps up and runs over to him, "You know me! I'm Austin! Remember? We worked together here with that other guy, Mark!"

"I'm sorry I really don't remember any of that. I wish I could but I would just be lying." Ian says with a frown as Austin slouches forward with his head bowed, "I guess I'm the only one who remembers what happened then." He says quietly.

"What? What happened?" Aleks asks curiously. Austin stands up right and turns to Aleks, "It's sorta vague but I remember being in the security room with Ian and Mark then it's blank until a man in purple comes out of nowhere and then the animatronics- oh the animatronics- attack us then it's just fuzzy from there on out."

"A man in purple? Wasn't that the same one who attacked us earlier?" Olivia asks and I nod, "His name was Vincent, and I'm pretty sure there's more to him than just having an obsession with purple." I reply as I pull out the poster I found earlier, "I think he's linked to this place somehow and I'm gonna figure it out."

{purple guy/Vincent is a creation of rebornica and I just thought he was pretty cool so I'm using him here. full credit, of course, goes to rebornica for the character!}

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