Chapter Thirteen: When All Is Said and Done {Night Seven}

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Here we are. The final night, the night this godforsaken shift is supposed to end. We've done alright so far; a few casualties along the way but of course, that was to be expected. Apparently this night is to be the worst so I'm preparing myself in case that's true.

"How are we gonna do this tonight? Just kinda go with it or what?" Olivia asks and I reply with a shrug of my shoulders, "I don't think that's a good idea I mean, that's not worked out for us has it?" I say.

"Well no not really but-- whatever. To be honest I can't wait for tonight to be over, I want to go home."

"Who doesn't?" Aleks replies under his breath, "We've got time to kill before they kill us, let's just look around this place so we can forget it later on."

After a while of aimlessly wandering around and constant searching for animatronics, we come across an old office that we, of course, look inside. We find numerous things such as plushies of the animatronics, a fan that is somehow still working and an old uniform that looks like it hasn't been worn in years. I check the name tag; "Mike Schmidt", I wasn't sure on who he was but whoever he was, he must've worked here a good while back.

"Nothing of great use in here, let's just leave. The longer we stay in one place, the more likely we are to become targets." Skippy says, "Trust me I know from experience."

"Guess so. Come on then." Olivia says as she walks out of the room. Out of fear of being separated we all follow her, that's the smart thing to do in this case right? One rule of having a job in a place like this: stick together especially if animatronics and a guy who kills kids is after you. Maybe we could've told that to the last people who took this job, maybe they would've been more fortunate.

Just as we had escaped Bonnie, I hear the sound of static getting closer to us every passing second. It was strange; the only animatronic who could make that noise was... Mangle. And I hope I'm right in guessing that she's not coming for us, though I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. The static got louder to the point where it was almost as if she was trying to attract the other animatronics; and I soon realised that's what she was doing. By the time that we had indeed realised, it was too late. I could already hear the animatronics racing towards us; well towards the sound of Mangle but mainly towards us. I search all around for any routes to escape from but the only way I could find was the Parts and Service room. I didn't realise that we had travelled that far but there was no time for idle thinking, we had to move fast. I kick open the door and push everyone through the door and then quickly close it behind me. As if on cue the banging and pounding at the door began, I flinch everytime their metal claws make contact with the hard wood of the door. I knew it wasn't going to hold out for much longer but I also knew that they have rather short attention spans; the longest they'll stay on your tail for is at least ten or so seconds. All we had to do was hope that was long enough and that the door would be able to withstand it for much longer. I begin to mentally count down the seconds as to try and calm my mind;

Ten; nine; eight; seven; six; five; four; three; two; one--

"L-Lets eat, kids! Fr-Freddy- F-Fazbe-ars Pi-Pizzer-ria has th-the best pizza!" Chica begins to sing through her worn out voice box.

"Freddy Fazbears Pizza, is-is the pizza f-for you and m-me!" Bonnie chants, his voice box also damaged beyond repair. I press my back up harder against the door but I realise that I wasn't strong enough to hold it for much longer. I feel the door slowly push open but then shut again. I look up and see Skippy and Olivia were helping me push the door back but us alone wasn't enough. Soon Aleks and Ian joined us, the five of us working together to push back our potential doom. I hear the singing and chanting stop and the sound is replaced by clunking footsteps as the animatronics begin to hoard away from the door. I sigh from relief and sit down against the door frame,

"We make a great team," I laugh as I break the awkward silence, "I mean after this shift is over, we should totally get pizza."

I then receive a chorus of 'oh my god you cannot be serious' and 'that is so not funny' but I couldn't help but laugh. The first time I felt another emotion apart from sadness; I was happy. For some goddamn reason I was happy. Maybe I was going crazy but damn it, something made me happy.

"What time is it?" I ask as I pull myself from my laughing fit. "Almost four am. We're doing good so far and it looks like none of the animatronics are--" Just then the lights cut out and everyone looks around at each other, although we couldn't see each other I could see the fear in everyone's eyes.

"What the hell? We still have power! I don't get it!" Ian says, "Unless one of the animatronics did this but I don't know of any that can--"

"Billy." Aleks and I say at the same time. We both exchange glances at each other and I make air pistols to him but I'm not sure if he returned the favour.

"Of course! That little bastard." Olivia groans, "I always hated that kid." Olivia's rant was short lived however as the well known laughter of a certain animatronic filled the room. I silently curse to myself and then remember we still have one flashlight left. I pull it out and switch it on only to see that Billy was inches away from Skippy but paused as the light was shone on him.

"They're very sensitive to light. I've figured that out," I say as I repeatedly flick the flashlight on and off, "if you do this it frazzled their engines and they can't work properly." I keep the flashlight on and then notice that Billy was gone.

"Uh hey guys I forgot to ask this earlier but where's Austin?" I question as the lights flicker back on. I see the sudden realisation that we had indeed lost Austin somewhere but we didn't know where. I just hope that he's okay and knows what he's doing. I didn't want anyone else to die here, no more.

"As its getting closer sometime after five am I just wanted to tell you guys that though this week has sucked, I sorta enjoyed being with you guys. This isn't what I would consider 'fun' then hey, we're not dead and that's great. So yeah. If anything does happen then I just wanted to say that I appreciate all of you and I think you're all great. Don't die please." I say with a fake pout at the end of my sentence. I pull everyone in for a hug and then let out a deep exhale as I hear a few animatronics arriving at the door, I could near enough feel them already.

"It's now or never, we came here to do a job and that job is gonna be finished tonight no matter what."


haha I've finished this book thank the Lord thank jesus lmao thank arceus

thanks for all your support on this book <3 maybe I'll do an epilogue idk if people want it then I shall

also if you're ever interested in like another FNaF fanfic then look no further than my new book which is called Five Nights at GameGrumps (the first chapter is already up thank me later)

anyway I suppose this is the last lil authors note I'll do on this book :'( it's been fun guys <3 see ya~

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