Chapter Two; May The Best Ones Live {Night One}

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We entered the place with caution, a dim light was our only source of light in our dark surroundings. It was surprising how creepy this place looked at night, it was almost as if it went through a complete transformation in a matter of hours. A room light clicks on and everyone turns to the source of the sound, watching as a shadowy silhouette slowly makes its way over towards us.

"Oh hey you guys actually came! I wasn't expecting that if I'm honest, I thought you were just kidding." The man speaks with a hidden tone of happiness, "Uh-- oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ian and I'll help

you through your week here!"

"Well I'm Rachel and this is Olivia, Pixel, Dragon, Skippy and Sophie." I say as I point to each person as I say their name, "So what exactly is our job here, if I can ask that is?"

"Simple; you all have to keep the animatronics in check. You see they're on this free roam mode at night so they don't freeze up and break down, you know? Uhh it's no use trying to turn them off because you might 'meet with a terrible fate'. By that you know what I mean?" We all nod our heads slowly and Ian continues, "You will be given a monitor and a flashlight to help you see. You'll be checking each room using your monitor or by yourself. The ones you have to look out for are Foxy, Leon and Bonnie. Their patterns aren't really specified so you just have to keep your wits about you at all times. Any questions so far?"

"What happens if we get caught by one of these machines?" Sophie asks as she glances around. "You'll be seen as a metal endoskeleton without a suit on so you'll be forcefully stuffed into one." Ian replies with a pained look on his face as if he was thinking about that.

"What happens if these animatronics malfunction? Do we ignore it or hit it like you did earlier?" Skippy questions, "Haha very funny. You don't touch it, just leave it alone and I'll fix it later. Is that all the questions?" Everyone nods and we follow Ian down the hall to this office where he quickly grabs a tablet like object and a few flashlights. He hands us each a flashlight and then holds the tablet up, "Anyone want to be charge of this?" Olivia puts her hand up and Ian hands her the tablet, "Please don't break it. It'll come out of your wage- and mine."

"Don't worry about it. I got this!" Olivia says as she pats the tablet before nearly dropping it, "You don't got nothing." I reply sarcastically as she hits me over the head with her hand. "I got all of this, shut up."

"If you are quite finished nearly breaking expensive property, shall I show you around?" Ian says as he looks at Olivia with a sarcastic look, "Yeah yeah whatever." She replies as she waves her hand away. I roll my eyes and begin to walk down the hallway with everyone else. I click my flashlight on and use it to take in my surroundings, I notice a poster on the wall with a drawing of what seemed to be the same bear animatronic I saw earlier although this one looked younger and less polished. It held a microphone in its paws and its jaw was wide open, the words 'Welcome to Freddys!' were written above the crudely drawn picture. Next to the poster there was a framed newspaper article which read;

Local pizzeria chain to re-open by the end of the year with new and improved animatronics; better sanitation and new staff

"Try not to get distracted for too long, the animatronics can move very quickly around here. After all they do know this place inside out." Ian says as he shines his flashlight around the hallway to look for any signs of said animatronics. "The ones that hang around here are Bonnie and Leon so look out for a bunny and a lion."

"I hate this place already, I just want to go home..." Sophie whispers as she looks around, "I feel like that posters watching me." She says as her eyes meet with that of the posters, the picture of Freddy now had glowing white eyes which were staring back at us watching our every movement.

"Sometimes the stuff in here can act a little out of character. Like I said earlier just keep an eye out for anything weird." Ian says as the sound of loud pounding footsteps richochet off the empty walls. Everyone turns around in unison to see a fox animatronic running speedily towards us, its claws were sharpened and so were its teeth.

"Run!" Skippy shouts as we all run back down the hall, turning every corner in a desperate attempt to lose the fox. I see an ajar door in front of us and I quickly open it then shut it as everyone enters the room. I hold my back against the door and breathe a sigh of relief but then jump as the fox begins to hit the door harshly.

"Everytime Foxy hits the door, we lose one percent of power!" Olivia points out, "We're down to twenty percent, we won't be able to hold on for much longer if this continues!"

Aww c'mon laddies and lassies! Let ol' Foxy in, lets play a game!

"Don't let him in, use something to block up the door." Dragon orders as Skippy grabs a spare seat and jams it up against the door handle, it was clear that it wouldn't hold for much longer but it would give us enough time.

"Does this always happen on the first night?" Sophie asks, "No I've never seen Foxy come out of Pirates Cove so early. Something must've set him off." Ian says as he shrugs his shoulders, "As to what would have done that, I don't know."

Suddenly the banging stops and everyone falls into a silence, "I think hes gone..." I whisper, "Either that or hes just outside waiting."

"Oh wow way to cheer us up." Olivia says sarcastically, "We're in a near death situation here. Humour us, don't depress us."

"What do I think I am, a comedian? I'm not even that funny." I say holding my hands up, "I just like to think I am because it cheers me up."

"Yeah well if you don't have something funny to say then don't say anything at all." "I will open this door and I will sacrifice you if you say that again." I say as I point to the door.

"Oh my god shut up no one cares." Pixel retorts which quiets us down, "Can we get back to the real matter at hand here? Also there will be no sacrifices tonight."

"Uh guys? Whats that at the window?" Dragon points to the window and everyones gaze turns to it where a pony animatronic was staring back at us, its jaw was hanging low and its head was turned sideways. As I turn back around to face the door, I saw a lion banging at the door with its jaw dislodged and its teeth sharp as knives.

"We're trapped!" Dragon exclaims, "How the hell are we gonna get out?" Everyone huddles into a circle in the middle of the stage as the banging continues. I catch a glance at our power, zero percent. In a few seconds everything would shut down with the exception of the animatronics and we would be done for. We all remain silent as the doors open up and the lights flicker off quickly, plunging us all into darkness. I hear the clunking of the machines get closer and closer with every breath I took, I could already feel their sharp claws against my shoulders. As the lion glared at us with its white eyes, it readied a loud roar but before it could;

Ding dong! Its six am! Night shift is now over and all animatronics will power down for the night!

As if by cue the animatronics whirred and then slumped forward to indicate that they had powered down. I slowly push the fox's metal claw off my shoulder and exhale deeply, "At least thats over."

"Yeah but wheres Ian? Wasn't he here like two seconds ago?" Everyone looks around and it seems that Pixel was right; he wasn't with us anymore. I assumed that he must've just left when the annoucement came on; I guess he was desperate to get home and so were we. As we all began to bunch out of the Stage room, we were stopped by a man in a suit; he was tall and wore a top hat like Freddys in that poster. I catch a glance at his nametag; Scott Cawthon, Manager.

"And where do you kids think you're going? Once the night shift is over, the day shift begins! You can't leave!" He exclaims as he adjusts his hat,"You must stay here and work forever."


yeah okay i actually planned a longer chapter

but wattpad deleted all of it so i had to rewrite it and yada yada yada im really tired i stayed up all night finishing this off

love me please i love you mwha

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