Chapter Twelve: Gone But Not For Long {Night Six}

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The continuous cycle never fails to repeat itself. Night in, night out and we're still stuck here. Our week is supposed to finish up tomorrow but at the rate this is going at, I don't think we'll make it that long. I've been noticing this pessimistic side of me a lot more lately, and I don't think its going to leave anytime soon. There's no point on dwindling on pointless issues.

"Everything seems calm tonight. Do you think they've stopped?" Aleks asks. It's true; we hadn't seen or even heard a noise in the past half an hour or so. It was strange, it was almost as if someone had turned them off for once.

"I'm not too sure. I mean come on, we've all seen whats happened here. You're gonna tell me that the robots just thought, 'eh, screw it', and decided to leave us alone? I don't think so." Olivia replies, "but it doesn't seem like any of them are out yet. Maybe we're extremely lucky right now or something."

"In all of the years that I've been here, I've never seen something like this. Especially on the sixth night. They're all active by then unless they're just waiting until we least expect it," Ian says as he glances around himself. I roll my eyes at him, "Thanks for that encouragement. "Nah guys seriously, we'll be fine! Well unless someone pops outta nowhere and attacks us!" Like that's gonna happen." I reply sarcastically. I see him stick his tongue out at me and I open my mouth as to say something but stop as I hear the squeak of rubber down the hall.

"Uh do any of the animatronics wear shoes?" Aleks asks as he stares into the darkness of the hall. I flick my flashlight on and I notice a figure making its way towards us. It definitely wasn't an animatronic; it was way too humanlike. Oh no; it was Vincent.

"Ooh still here, are we? I know the quick way out," he says as he pulls out a knife from the sleeve of his shirt. He wanders around us as he looks suspiciously at each person until he stops at Aleks, "I think I'll take... this one. I bet they've never had a Russian animatronic before." Vincent grabs Aleks and starts dragging him back down the hall from where he came. We try to help him but it was too late; Aleks' screams were quiet as he was dragged further and further away from us until it was completely mute.

"What the hell just happened?" Ian asks as he scratches his head, "and we need to help Aleks as soon as we can! I don't even want to think about what animatronic he would be."

"Maybe a sponge because he's so thirsty," I say out loud to myself and I then receive looks from both Olivia and Ian, "what? Did none of you see that shirt he was wearing? The one that said "Buy my shirts!"? Ugh, you guys are boring."

"Yeah well we can be boring later, that is if we're still alive and I don't throw myself into the arms of one of these animatronics just to get away from your nerdy jokes," Olivia says with a somewhat joking tone. I shake my head and then hear the loud clunk of metal not too far from us. Looks like the animatronics finally decided to pay us a visit, huh? But then instead of hearing the noise again, I hear the scurrying of feet; too loud to be an animal, too quiet to be an animatronic. I turn my flashlight back up to see in front of me and I see someone I never thought I would see again. Skippy.

"So wait, everyone's dead apart from you guys, Aleks is gone and there's a man of purple in here? What did he do; get lost in a paint factory?" Skippy jokes, "All jokes aside... how are we meant to get Aleks back? Plus we need to deal with the animatronics."

"Well there's a severe lack of them as of right now. It is uh," Ian says as he goes to look at his watch but then remembers that it was broken, "any of you guys got the time?"

I glance down at the monitor and look back up, "It's three forty-two am," I reply. Ian nods his head and continues talking about the severe lack of animatronics.

"Alright I think I got it all. Now we just have to get through tonight and all will be well," Skippy says with a smile and i couldn't help but smile back. A thought crosses my mind and I say it without realising, "Skippy, how did you survive anyway?"

"Good question! I hid in the little opening underneath the Stage area. Nobody suspected a thing and I was pretty well hidden until I heard your voices and I followed them to here and now we're here,"

"Good answer to my good question," I laugh. Our happiness was short lived however as we hear somebody singing a song to themselves but it wasn't like the music we listen to. It was more ominous and it didn't seem to have proper words, only "ba da dum dum diddly dee," which lead me to believe it may have Foxy or maybe Muse, he usually sings songs.

"We need to get a move on, we can't hang around all day," Olivia states. Everyone nods and we follow the drag tracks that were left behind by Aleks down to the Parts and Service room. Of course he would be in here and if I'm correct, he'll either be in a suit or chained to the table about to get stuffed into the suit.

Skippy pushes the door open and to my surprise we only saw Aleks on a stool in the corner of the room. As we approached him, he spoke quietly, "Don't look," was all he said. My eyes glance down to the ground where small drops of blood were speckled around the feet of Aleks' chair, "Don't move," he says.

"Don't look, don't move... what do you mean?" Ian questions but before Aleks could answer him, we hear the door open and in walks a proud looking Vincent.

"How are we today? Good I hope? I don't really care," Vincent answers his rhetorical question before continuing on, "don't you want to see your friends, Aleksandr? I mean they came all the way here to help you! At least look at 'em," he spins Aleks' chair to face us and the sight horrifies me. His face and chest were cut and blood was everywhere, his tears intertwined with the blood droplets on his cheeks and he looked weak.

"What did you do to him?" Olivia yells to which Vincent simply replies with a laugh and then speaks, "I made a few more adjustments. Hmm but if I remove a few limbs here and there, I could make him look like you two," he says as he points his purple finger at Olivia and I, "after all, it was me that fixed you guys."

"What do you mean 'fixed'? And I thought the animatronics did this," I reply as I hold my metallic arm in the air in my defence, "how could you do this? You couldn't kill a dead pig,"

The next few seconds were a blur; one second I'm pinned against the wall as Vincent holds the knife threateningly against my neck, Ian and Skippy trying to pull him off me and Olivia trying to help Aleks up to his feet. I swing a punch at Vincent with my metal arm and knock him down to the floor with him clutching his face as he writhed in agony. I nod my head at Ian and Skippy to show my thanks and they return it with a thumbs up.

"Come on we should go, while he's still down anyway." I say as I stagger towards the door. My head was still dizzy from being attacked by Vincent but I manage to regain my footing before I fell.

"It's nearly over anyway; five fifty-eight am. Hallelujah." Skippy says as she throws her arms up in the air, "though we should really patch up Aleks. We can't deal with another dead person on our hands."

(I'm finally getting back into writing hella. I hope this chapter was okay and satisfies you for now. Thank for reading, good day good human. Unless you're Vincent or Billy in which case, I hate you bye)

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