forgetting your anniversary []

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forgetting your anniversary

my elbows rested against the kitchen counter. i raised my wine glass to my lips for what seemed the hundredth time today, sipping on the alcoholic drink.
i slammed it down on the counter a little too harshly, before lowering my head.
i can feel my body buzzing as i began attempting to calm myself down.
i'm lying if i say that i wasn't tipsy.

i stood up straight and blew out the candle that stood in between me and jimin's plates. i made the both of us dinner, expecting jimin to arrive home from work early like he always does, but he's currently nowhere to be found.
no texts, no calls. he didn't try communicating with me today at all.
and i guess i won't do the same to him.

i tossed the food that was previously garnished on the plates in the trash bin, suddenly feeling my appetite disappear.
i trudged out kitchen, my body slightly swaying left and right as i began to struggle to keep myself upright.
but once i reached my bedroom upstaits, my body immediately collapsed, and the tears began to flow down my cheeks.

next morning

jimin's arms were wrapped around my waist when i woke up. i forced them off of me, before i slowly got off my bed.
i entered the bathroom, and rested against the sink before looking up at the mirror.
my eyes were puffy, along with the rest of my face. dark bags surrounded the bottom of my eyes, indicating a sleepless sleep last night.
i ignored my broken state, before hopping in the shower. once i got out, i brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, quickly slipped on my work uniform and ran out the front door.

the next day

jimin texted me multiple times throughout the day asking me when i'm coming home, but i ignored every one of them. it was my intention to come home as late as possible.
i parked my car in front of my house, before getting out, not forgetting to lock it.
i inhaled a deep breath once i stepped in front of the front door.
i knew very well jimin was inside, waiting for me, and i really am not bothered to hear his possible apologies about last night.
but nevertheless, i unlocked the front door and stepped inside.

jimin was sitting on the couch, his hands cupping his lowered face as he let out almost inaudible sobs.
he looked up immediately once he heard my presence.
he waisted no time in getting up from the couch, and began rushing towards me.
i quickly closed the door behind me, and started marching towards the stairs, but jimin caught up with me.
he then cupped my face, before placing his lips on mine.

i pushed him away immediately, seeing his eyes pool with hurt and regret at my action.
"don't touch me." my voice was venemous, threatening.
"y/n, please hear me out." jimin's hoarse voice spoke, cracking tremendously.
i scoffed, taking a couple steps back. "hear what? hear your excuse on how you forgot our 4th fucking anniversary?"
i saw jimin suppress a flinch from my sudden loud voice.
"i want to be alone jimin. please. i need you to respect that." i spoke again, my voice much quieter.

jimin took a step towards me, but i quickly dashed up the stairs to prevent him from getting any closer.
the last thing i heard before closing my bedroom door was a loud sob echoing around the house.

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