cheating on your boyfriend with him []

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"thank you, tae. next time's on me."
i winked as the waiter took the paid bill off the table and walked away.
taehyung chuckled. "over my dead fucking body. do you want to go home now?"
i shrugged. "whatever you want to do."

taehyung and i both finished eating dinner a little while ago. the sky was a complete black, specks of stars giving off a small amount of light, lighting up the sky. the full moon stood high up, far away from where i was. light rain drizzled the pavement and everything in between, creating some sort of a relaxing melody.

this is just what i wanted. having dinner, in a closed off restaurant, with my boyfriend, beside the window as i watched what was happening outside.
well, one of my two boyfriends. it pains me everyday that i can never find the courage to break up with kimoon, the guy i met before taehyung. about a year into our relationship and getting bored was a daily habit for me. he was never home, and when he was, he wouldn't even look at my face and go straight to bed instead.

then, i met taehyung.

i'm playing with him, i know i am. but i know he would never look at me the same if i tell him he isn't the only man i'm in a relationship with. he would drop me in a heartbeat. i promised myself to break up with kimoon as soon as i can, but only when i'm ready, which i don't think is anytime soon.

"i want to go home. i'm tired." taehyung yawned as he stood up, signaling for me to stand up along with him.
we both thanked the restaurant staff members before marching outside. the rain immediately collapsed on us. it seemed much heavier than it was a couple minutes ago. both taehyung and i didn't have an umbrella, so we were stuck to each other's sides, trying our best to ignore the rain.


an all too familiar voice shouted, they didn't seem too far away. both taehyung and i stopped walking and turned around.
"who was that?" taehyung asked, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. his hair was starting to get soaked from the rain.
i tried my best to figure out the face of the person who just got out of their car and was now running towards me, but couldn't.

"come on, let's go." i pulled taehyung with me again, eager to get out of here.

because i knew exactly who was coming towards me.

suddenly, i was yanked back, taehyung's grip suddenly loosening on me. the figure spun me around.
kimoon's furious face stood inches away from mine.
"k-kimoon-" i stuttered. i already felt the tears brimming at the eyes from the look that glazed over kimoon's irises. hurt, betrayal, anger, everything.
"get the fuck away from her!" taehyung's deep voice spoke as he approached kimoon, looking to start a fight.

kimoon quickly let go of my panting body and raised his hands in defeat. "i'm not coming here to fight. you, whoever you are. you see this girl over here?" kimoon spat, pointing his finger at me. "she's cheating on you. i'm her fucking boyfriend, and i'm guessing you are too. we've been together for almost two years."
taehyung's entire body seemed to shut down. his muscles dropped, his head lowered. he looked so defeated.

after a couple seconds of silence, kimoon started speaking again. "i was coming home to surprise you. to fucking apologize for not being there for recently. how long has this been going on for, huh? how long have you been fucking cheating on me for?" tears streamed down kimoon's cheeks as he shouted. he sounded so hurt, so broken.
it's happening. what i feared the most is currently unfolding beneath my eyes.

my legs felt like they were about to give out on me as i bit my lip to hold in my sobs. i took a step towards kimoon. "baby, please-"
"no. i don't want to hear it from you, y/n." kimoon stepped back as if i was fire.
"we're done. you hear me? done. your shit will be on the front porch when you come home."
and with that, he walked off, his body looking weak as he trudged back to his car.

my blurring vision shifted towards taehyung, who has been silent the entire time.
i tried to place my hand on his arm.
"don't touch me." taehyung flinched, taking a large step back away from me.
my heart felt like it had been shattered into a thousand more pieces only from that simple action.
"don't you dare touch me." despite taehyung's harsh words, his voice was cracking. he looked like he was on the edge of a breakdown.

"i can't fucking believe you." he muttered, shaking his head.
without allowing me to reply, he walked off towards the opposite direction, small whimpers escaping his lips.
i let out loud sobs as i tried to maintain my failing balance.

what have i done?

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