meeting your ex []

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"tae, meet caleb. caleb, meet taehyung, my boyfriend."
taehyung shook caleb's outstretched hand despite the icy glare he was giving him.
"it's nice to meet you. y/n told me so much about you." caleb spoke, shoving his hands in his pockets, a wide smile spreading his lips.

taehyung returned a forced smile. "nice to meet you too."
"well, i wish we had more time to talk, but i have to go. mom told me to pick up my sister from school. tomorrow, 2 pm?" caleb spoke, looking at me.
i nodded. "mhm. i'll see you tomorrow."
caleb smiled before beginning to walk away, heading towards the school gates. school ended a while ago, but i was stuck waiting for taehyung to finish his detention, and we happened to run into caleb. i'm surprised the two of them never met.

i turned around to face tae.
"you want to head home now-"
i stopped talking. jimin was glaring at me, like, full on glaring.
in a blink of an eye, my back hit the nearby lockers, almost knocking the air out of me.
"what the fuck, taehyung?" i cursed. i tried to get out of his firm grip, but it was no use. he was too strong. thank god no one was around to see this.

"caleb is your ex, right? the one you told me about?" taehyung's deep voice spoke, seriousness attached onto it.
"yeah, he's that caleb. why?"
"i don't want you hanging out with him anymore."

who the fuck does this guy think he is?

i chuckled. "you're crazy. taehyung, i told you multiple times. our relationship was short lived. he's been my best friend for years, and we decided to try and work a relationship out together. we broke up after a month and decided to remain as best friends. you know that, right?"

"you don't see the way he looks at you. it's so clear he still has feelings for you." he fought back.
i pushed taehyung off of me with all the strength i had left.
"no, tae. caleb is my best friend, and he's going to stay like that. he doesn't like me, he's already going out with someone else."

taehyung stayed silent at my explanation.
i picked up my backpack from the floor and swung it over my shoulder.
"i'm going home."
i began to walk away.
"wait, y/n-"
"i'll text you when i get home." i interrupted him. i'm not mad at him, just pissed off.

i heard the sound of someone kicking a set of lockers before i walked out of the school, almost certain it's taehyung.

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