i remember the day like it was yesterday.
jungkook's deep breath, before he posted his first ever mini album that consisted of 3 songs on spotify.
i helped him through every bit. i helped produce, i helped him with the vocal techniques, and most importantly, the lyrics.
he quickly became an overnight sensation. so many people were recognizing his work, praising him for it. tv hosts privately invited him to their show. small festivals invited him to their show. his album skyrocketed on the charts. people loved the album and the authenticity of it, how it all started from a boy and his girlfriend that quietly hid in the shadows. his girlfriend that declined any sort of invitations or requests due to her inevitable stage fright and social anxiety.but that's only what 3 songs can do.
only a couple months later, jungkook released a full album, with 10 songs. me and him worked endlessly on it. we put any sort of time we can into finishing it, leaving the both of us with so many restless nights.
his album got so much more recognition than last time. people adored his voice, the lyrics, the passion that he seemed to input into his tone. they loved it so, so much.and all i can do was sit and watch as the love of my life got taken away from me.
it got to his head. people loved him, and he saw that. people put him at the top, and he knew that. people wanted the best for him, and he loved that.
and he used all of it.
he began cancelling our dates, telling me he has to perform somewhere. he began not picking up my calls, telling me that he was busy with tv stuff. he began not texting me back, and replied weeks later telling me he was busy with writing.
it stayed that way for months. months of watching him release his music. months of watching his memory of me become notbing but that.a memory.
but that night,
that night was all it took to break me through a simple text.
i'm sorry, y/n, but i don't think we can do this anymore. i hope you can understand.
i remember the tears mercilessly rolling down my cheeks as i read that text over and over.i couldn't believe it.
i couldn't accept the fact that he let me go.
and the worst part was that the next day, he performed at a stadium with 10k people, and posted all over his social media about how amazing it was.
i couldn't take it. i watched as what i call my world crumbled into smithereens around me, leaving me like that for many months to come.
until i felt it.
a burn.
a burn in my chest that told me that what i'm doing is not beneficial, and that i need to change my life around, and fast.
and i done just that.
i sat on my desk, and for the first time in what felt like years, i began writing again.
from the first line i wrote, i kept going and going until my hand aching in pain.
i wrote a 5-song album all by myself. there wasn't jungkook to help me out this time.just me.
i went to the studio and recorded the vocals. i went home, opened my untouched laptop and began piecing everything together.
and here i am. taking a deep breath, before posting my first ever mini album that consisted of 5 songs on spotify.
a new beginning.
fuck. i forgot what those 3 words even meant.

bts imagines
Fanfictionimagines to satisfy your needs. mostly maknae line @dejafics on insta