writing a song about you [k.th]

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you parked the car in front of bighit's towering building, before exiting and making your way towards the reception. after giving the receptionist a quick glance at your id to let her know you aren't a stranger, you began walking towards taehyung's studio, which was the main reason you were here.
you shot him a quick text informing him that you were on your way.

after reaching the elevator, you climbed up to the fourth floor, before stepping of.
it took you only a couple of steps to reach taehyung's studio. just as you were about to knock, you heard a beautiful melody playing from inside the room. you could listen to it for hours if given the chance.
you gave a quick knock to the door, before entering.

the moment you peaked your head inside, taehyung immediately flinched, rushing to turn off the song.
he spun around to face, seeming driven by shock.
"h-hi baby." he breathed out, his voice slightly shaky from shock.
"hi. is everything okay?" you couldn't help but ask.
taehyung cleared his throat.
"everything's fine, did you need something?" he asked, trying to smoothen his voice as much as he could.

"i thought you knew i was coming here?" you closed the door behind you and began approaching taehyung.
he spun around to his desk and stacked up as many papers as he could from those which were scattered around just before, placing placing his arms right over them, not giving you the chance to sneak a glimpse of what he was doing.

"should i be concerned of what you were doing before i came in here?" you couldn't help but ask, now standing right beside his desk and leaning against it.
taehyung looked up at you.
"not at all." he replied.
you were about to bombard him with questions regarding his skeptic behavior, but something on his desk caught your attention.
a piece of paper that was barely visible underneath taehyung's arm,
and on top of the paper was your name.

you quickly reached over and snatched the paper and out of taehyung's reach. lyrics upon lyrics clouded the entire page. you only allowed yourself to read a couple words here and there, and from those alone, you felt your entire body warm up, but also tense in raw guilt.
taehyung let out a frustrated groan, before burying his face in his palms.
"fuck, y/n. i wanted it to be a surprise." he spoke, slight anger lacing his voice. you noticed this, setting down the paper. you lifted his chin up so that he was looking straight at you.
"baby, it's okay." you gently spoke.
you climbed on top of taehyung's lap, before straddling him. he seemed to not expect the gesture, but not hate it either.

you cupped his cheeks and placed a tender and loving kiss on his lips, one that taehyung immediately returned. his hands found their position on your waist. he deepened the kiss by lifting his head up a bit more, giving you easier access.
you pulled away and gave taehyung a quick peck on his exposed collarbone, before throwing your arms around him in an intimate embrace.
he gratefully hugged you back, as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"you mean so much more to me than you can imagine." you mumbled.
he smiled.
"i can say the same about you."

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