Chapter 4

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After Gym

Shyla's Pov

What's wrong Casey mad you got beat by a girl. You can just shut your whore mouth. I know why Sam started dating you. It was all a bet. He said. Fuck off. I said. What you are going to do, go cry about it or cut yourself. He said, pushing me. He punched me. Sam saw it and he pushed Casey into the wall. If you ever hit my girlfriend again, I will kill you. He said. Go ahead, tell her about our bet that we made. Casey said. What bet? To see how long Sam can date a bitch like you. I looked at Sam. Is this true? I asked. He sighed. Babe it is not what you think. He tried to hug me. I ran into the bathroom.

20 minutes later

X's Pov

I walked into the school. I didn't begin home schooling anymore and I saw a girl running down the hall crying. I then saw a guy running after her. I went into the office. Hello? The lady said. Hi, I am a new student here. I said. Name? Xavier. I said. Oh, Xavier Turner. She said. Yeah. I said. She gave me a paper and I walked to the high school. I wonder who was crying. I had to stream when I get home. It is Shyla who I could stop thinking about. Yet she was younger than me. I walked to my first class. It was Math. I went to the class. I sat down in a random seat. I saw the guy that was chasing the girl down the hall. He went and sat down. I saw the girl that was crying come and sit in front of me. Class hasn't started yet. I tapped her on the shoulder. She looked back at me. She had a red mark on her cheek. Are you ok? I asked her. Yeah, thanks are you new here? She asked. Yeah. My name is Xavier. I said, extending my hand. Shyla. She said, shaking my hand. She had bluish gray eyes. She turned back around. She faced the board. I turned around and I saw a guy walking up to her. Babe look I am sorry. Don't call me that anymore Sam. She said. We are done Sam go. She said. He grabbed her. I got up and pushed the guy off her. She said to go. I said. He went back to his seat. Thanks Xavier. She said. You're welcome. I said.

2 weeks later

Shyla's Pov

I got a notification on my iPad. Xxayder just started streaming. I went to my twitch account and Skype. I asked X to see if I could join the call. Yeah, sure. He added me to the call. Hello. He said. Hi. I said. How was your day at school. Ok, I guess. I said. Why ok? He asked. My ex had a bet on me to see how long we would date. I also met a new kid at my school. I said. Cool. He said. I turned on my webcam forgetting what happened to my face earlier today in school from Zack.

X's Pov

I saw she turned on her webcam. I looked at her. She had a bruise on her face. I got my mask. I put aside. I had in the call me Shyla Ren Ucepia, and Bacca. I ended the stream. I looked up my name on Google. Nobody would ever write a fanfic about me, I am not special. I said. Shyla muted herself and turned off her camera. I scrolled down. So look up your name. Ucepia said. I am. I said. I saw a story. Oh. I kept quiet. I saw Shyla turn her camera back on. I look at my phone. Crap I have to do my push ups today. We need proof. Ren said. Fine. I put on my mask. I turn on my camera. I went to a space in my room. I have to do 20. I said. Ok. They said. I did 10. I stopped. I did 10 more. I went and sat back down in my chair. I turned off my web cam. Shyla what happened to your face? Ucepia asked. Oh, I got into a fight at school with my boyfriend. What all happened today? I asked. A new kid moved to my school I got beat up. Nothing really new. She said. Wait is Shyla Mizanin. Shyla at school? I thought.

Hours later

Shyla's Pov

Everybody left besides me Ren and x. And they got me on karaoke party. I am going to sing with my Skype micon you have been wanting to hear me sing X. I am going to listen to how this plays out. I heard glasses begin put on a desk. I chose a random song. Why Shyla? Ren said. What. Look at the song you choose. I saw My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion. Oh shit. I said. The song was starting. I was in the middle of singing it and x turns on his webcam. His mask with glasses. I started laughing. I did try to look at his camera. What's wrong Shyla? X asked. I made it through the song. I felt my face heat up. I heard X laughing. Aw Shyla is blushing and those cute dimples. He said. I put on my mask. I was embarrassed. I stopped smiling under my mask. I took it off. I looked at who was at the door of my room. Shyla? X asked. Shyla! X said. I took off my headphones. You don't have your precious new kid or family here to protect yourself now. He said. He pushed me down farther on the bed. He got on top of me. I pushed will all of my might to get him off of me. I started crying. I turned my head. I saw X left the call.

X's Pov

I saw her eyes widen. Shyla? I asked. Shyla! I said. She took off her headphones. You don't have your precious new kid or family here to save you. I saw a window. I saw an address from her window. I got out of the call. I ran out of my house. I ran to where the house was. I saw a light on. I ran into the house. I heard screaming. I ran to where the screaming was coming from. I saw Sam beating Shyla. I pulled Sam off of her. Maybe you should stop picking on her and fight someone your own size. I said. I punched him.

Shyla's Pov

I screamed. I wished Xavier was here. I heard footsteps running into the room. Sam was pulled off of me. I blacked out.

2 days later

I woke up. I sat up. I tried to turn my head. I tried to get up. When I did I fell. I guess someone heard and came with me. I saw Xavier. You saved me. What did Sam mean when my family wasn't here? I asked. Shyla. Your family was killed by Sam. He said. No. I said crying. He hugged me. Also, you should be happy. Why? My best friend wasn't here to save me. I said. Who? He asked. X. I said. He looked at me. He puts me on the bed. Shyla Nicole Mizanin. He said. I started crying again. He hugs me. I get up. I ran upstairs. I saw blood on the walls. I ran into my actual room. I cried. I saw Xavier. Come on, let's go downstairs. I got on the bed. He went to his house. I heard X rejoin. Hey Shyla you ok? Ren asked. I guess. I said. Alright, I am back. Where did you go? I asked. I went to help you. He said. You couldn't have you live in Georgia. I said. I moved to Indiana. So I guess you have seen my face now. He turned on his face cam. I tried my best to smile. Wait a second. I said. I grabbed my phone. I swear we have met before you moved. I said. That's because we have. He said. Football game vs the Chargers 2 months ago. So this is you? I asked showing the picture to my webcam. Yeah. He said. So you are the mysterious girl I have been looking for? I guess so. I said. They went quiet. I heard someone. I got scared. I will be right back. I said. I got up. I went to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife. I saw someone walk in. They put up their hands. Jesus X. I said. Sorry. He said. What you doing here. I said. I came here to protect you because of what just happened. He said. Alright. If you want, you can sleep on the couch since all of the other beds besides my brothers is covered in blood. Ok. He said. I put the knife back and went back to the bedroom. I sat down. X once again rejoined. He turned on his webcam. Wait, where are you know X. Ren said. I am at Shyla's house. He said. Aw, no fair you guys are having a sleepover without me. She said.

Hours Later

Me and Xavier got off and we were just hanging out. The sun is coming up. We are goofing around. Hey Shyla? Xavier asked. Yes. I said. Do you have Ritz crackers? He asked. Yes, I do. I get up and got to the cabinet. He got up. I tossed it to him. Fuck. I said in pain. I fell on my hurt leg. I hurry to the bathroom before Xavier could do anything. I locked the door. My leg was bleeding. I looked at my scars. Xavier was banging on the door. Shyla please open the door. He said. I unlocked the door. He opens the door. He looked at my leg. He bent down by me. Shyla. He said. What. I said. How many of them do you have? He asked. 20. I said. I showed him the ones on my arms. I haven't noticed them. He said. I was out for 2 days. I said. Ren waited that long. That's when you know she is a true friend. He said. Yeah, I guess. I said. What day is it? I asked. Monday. We are going to be late for school. I said. Shyla it is fall break. Wait, we get 2 weeks off. Yes. I said. Shyla? He asked. Why do you do it? He asked. School. I said. Who is doing to it you? He asked. Everyone. I mean, look at me. I said. You are a talented young girl. I haven't told you everything Xavier. I said. What haven't you told me. You know how I have told you I have tried killing myself 3 times. Yeah. He said. I have done it more than you think I have. I have tried to kill myself 10 times. In the past 8 years. Why are they doing this. So they can get me out of their way. I said. I can see through everybody, but you. I can see through the lies people say. Like when me and Sam started dating I knew he was lying, but I didn't want to say anything. Come on I am taking you over to the couch. Alright. He helped me to the couch. Could this be the start of something new or will it all disappear.

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