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~ a few weeks later ~

"Renjun, I'm terrified!" Mark wails over the phone, having to swap which hand he holds the device in so that he can wipe his palms against his jeans, "My hands are sweating, my heart is racing... I'm so stupid, why did I even agree to this?"

There's a faint rustling on the line from what Mark assumes to be Renjun falling onto his bed, "You agreed to this because you and Donghyuck have been friends now for a couple of months and you only ever message each other over Instagram.."

Mark listens as Renjun sighs down the line, "It's only a video call, Mark, if it starts going south then just pretend you've got somewhere to be or that you're reception is bad and hang up"

"He'll know I'm lying" the older panics, cursing himself for ever agreeing to this.

It had been a couple of days ago when Donghyuck suggested that they finally video call, to talk to each other normally (albeit still online).

It was after Mark was complaining that texting whilst studying was very counter productive and it would just be easier if Donghyuck was with him so that they could just talk, as Mark refused to be the one to cut their conversation short, even if it was nearing 3am and he had an unfinished paper due that day.

Donghyuck sounded so excited over the prospect of them actually talking that Mark really didn't have the heart to shoot him down.

If he wasn't so nervous about seeing Donghyuck, face to face (well face to screen) then maybe he'd share the others excitement. But Mark was nervous, he was so bloody nervous.

"Look Mark, you'll be absolutely fine, you guys are always texting so I doubt you'll run out of conversation topics" Renjun reasons but Mark just shakes his head

"I'll freeze or something"

"So what if you do?"

"Donghyuck will laugh at me"

"So what if he does?"

"I'll be humiliated and embarrassed"

Renjun draws in a sharp breath, "From the messages I've seen and the one time you let me text him I don't think Donghyuck's the kinda guy who would laugh at you maliciously... he'd maybe tease you a little.. but that's just because you two are like that.. you're friends, that's what friends do"

Mark nods, him and Donghyuck are in a really good place. Ever since they made up, they talk everyday, they've began interacting a little on Instagram as well, with Donghyuck following and liking some of Mark's pics, the odd comment here or there, which some of Donghyuck's fans have picked up on.

Mark even allowed Renjun to text Donghyuck one evening, the two of them had gone back to Mark's after Renjun's art class and Mark's music production one and as Mark was showering Renjun was given permission to carry on the conversation with Donghyuck.

That turned out to be a huge mistake as when Mark came back, all the the messages between them were just his two friends making fun of him.

Renjun would share some embarrassing story of Mark's and Donghyuck would soak it all up, asking all the questions that had Mark fighting Renjun for his phone back before the Chinese could answer.

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