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Donghyuck smiles at the billion and one articles that have popped up after him and Mark left the airport the other day

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Donghyuck smiles at the billion and one articles that have popped up after him and Mark left the airport the other day.

At first he was terrified- being a model he was used to all the flashing cameras and the gossip, but he was desperately worried about how Mark would handle it, having had no prior experience.

But as always, Mark surprised him.

Mark held his hand tight as they made their way through the airport and to Johnny's car, holding Donghyuck close as they passed crowds of people. He held his hand when they were ambushed by press down by Han River and he was still holding him close now, lying in Donghyuck's warm bed, limbs tangled and smiles on their faces.

Despite it all, whenever they were approached Mark was lovely and patient, never failing to offer a smile if it was one of Donghyuck's fans fan- and Donghyuck supposes that's because he too couldn't stop smiling.

It felt like a dream, to have Mark next to him, holding his hand. The same Mark he'd text and call from the other side of the world. Mark Lee from Vancouver.

"You've got that look on your face again" Mark comments quietly, turning his head to hide in the array of pillows on Donghyuck's bed.

The latter laughs gently, placing his phone down and running a hand through Mark's hair, "I don't have a look"

At his boyfriends defensiveness Mark turns to face Donghyuck, opening one eye, "Yes you do"

"No I don't" He disagrees, shimmying a little so that he's face to face with Mark, who then loops an arm around Donghyuck's waist, attempting to pull him closer.

"It's that look.." Mark begins before lifting his head off the pillow to kiss Donghyuck lightly, "that makes me fall in love with you all over again"

Donghyuck scoffs playfully and turns his head away, "that's just my face"

"I know" Mark answers, laughing as Donghyuck pulls a face

"Why are you so cheesy?" He complains, jabbing Mark in the side, which only had his boyfriend laughing more

"You like it though" He teases to which Donghyuck dives under the duvet, muttering a muffled 'I dont' as he goes

"You dooo~" Mark sings, patting the duvet until he finds where Donghyuck is. When he's positive he's found Donghyuck, he throws the covers off himself so that he can straddle the younger's body, hands immediately trying to find Donghyuck's sides

The model lets out a shriek as Mark begins tickling him, chocked off screams of "I don't" barely make it to Mark's ears as he continues tickling Donghyuck who wiggles desperately under the covers.

"Hey Hyuck have you seen--okAY" The door to Donghyuck's room shuts as soon as it's opened, leaving Mark blushing being caught in such a position.

Sensing that Mark's guard is down, Donghyuck quickly rises, throwing Mark off him so that he can then flop onto his boyfriend, pinning him down almost like he did in the airport yesterday.

"Hey, no fair I was distracted!" Mark pouts, to which Donghyuck has no trouble in kissing

"Hm, Jaehyun doesn't bite, we'll be fine" Donghyuck kisses Mark again, to which the other enthusiastically reciprocates- that is until Mark's ringtone breaks them apart.

Mum is calling...

"Ah, you should probably get that" Donghyuck separates himself from Mark, a small pout on his lips which Mark quickly kisses away.

"Yeah.." Mark he hums as he declines the call, sliding his phone back under the pillows before gathering Donghyuck in his arms again, "I probably should've"

Before Donghyuck can say anything else, Mark drops another kiss to his lips, and another, and another, until they're both smiling so wide, laughter bubbling up inside of them.

"I know I've said it a thousand times but I'm so happy that you're here" Donghyuck mutters, brushing Mark's hair out of his eyes, to which Mark just shakes, almost like a dog, messing it up again.

"I'm happy I'm here too" Mark presses a quick kiss to Donghyuck's cheek before pulling the boy closer, enveloping him in his arms.

Donghyuck smiles into Mark's shirt, they're finally together.

gosh I'm getting so emotional as technically this is the last chapter of the book,, I don't want to say goodbye to you guys 😢

Luckily, I do have a little bonus chapter coming up soon which will be followed up by an announcement,,,,

any guesses to what the announcement could be??

also unrelated but ya girl absolutely smashed her korean midterm !! ☺️

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