twenty seven

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And there he was, standing no more than a metre away, with a battered backpack and leather jacket hanging from his arm as he rubs his tired eyes, clearly shattered from the flight time.

He runs a hand through his hair, brushing it out of the way of his eyes which widen comically so at the mention of his name.

"Hyuck?!" He exclaims, all previous traces of exhaustion vanishing as he drops to his knees so that he's eye level with Donghyuck, eyes quickly glossing over the boy, "...Hyuck... is that.. how.. why are you here?" Mark asks, completely fumbling over his own words as he takes in the boy in front of him

"What..?" Donghyuck is completely frozen, Mark Lee is in front of him... he's here, he's close enough to touch... he's.. in Korea, "W-What do you mean what am I doing here? You're the one in Seoul"

Mark Lee, his Mark Lee had just flown across the world and is now here, right in front of him, his Mark Lee is in Seoul, "You're in Seoul... you're here... you're okay, you're okay!"

Without any hesitation, Donghyuck flings himself onto Mark, the sheer force causing them both to topple over, Donghyuck almost pinning Mark beneath him, "We've been so worried!"

At this Mark's face scrunches up in confusion, "We?... and why were you worried?"

"What do you mean why was I--?!" Donghyuck sucks in a deep breath, as he tries to calm himself down. His knuckles were turning white from how hard he was gripping Mark's shirt, unable to loosen his hold as he feared that Mark would end up slipping away, "Jeno text me..." he starts, voice shakier than he intended, "...he said that no one could get ahold of you, no one knew where you were- God, I was so scared something had happened and then Nana was saying how--"

"Hey, hey.." Mark reaches up to cup Donghyuck's face in his hands, the pad of his thumb gently running across Donghyuck's soft cheeks in an attempt to soothe him,"everything is fine, I'm fine, nothing happened"

Donghyuck nods shakily, still drawing in shallow breathes, "you're fine.. fine.. fine" he chants slowly, his voice barely a whisper, "but you're here? Why are you here?"

"For you..." Mark answers, colour rushing to his cheeks as Donghyuck meets his gaze especially due to their close proximity, "I mean- to see you... I hated how our conversation ended and I just needed to see you, to talk to you"

Donghyuck nuzzles into the touch, bringing one hand up to place over Mark's whilst the other stays firm on the elders shirt, "I read over all your messages, I'm so sorry, I was just so upset and-"

"You had every reason to be" Mark leans forward, pressing his forehead to Donghyuck's, both of them relishing in each other's touch as they're finally able to indulge in physical contact with one another, "God, I'm sorry"

Donghyuck squeezes Mark's hand firmly, "I should've listened to you-"

"I shouldn't have gotten myself into that situation anyways"

Donghyuck removes his hand from Mark's, instead opting to throw his arms around the older, pulling him as close as he possibly could.

Mark also wraps his arms around Donghyuck, one sternly around his waist and the other around his neck, allowing his fingers to play with Donghyuck's hair.

The two stay like that for what seems like hours, their hold getting tighter on each other, before Mark lifts his hands and places them on Donghyuck's cheeks, once again creating distance between them.

"Wait-" Mark pulls away briefly, a smile beginning to stretch onto his face at the way Donghyuck whines due to the lack of touch "but why are you here? At the airport?"

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