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Mark was in a great mood, after winning the first game of their season, and having a video call with Donghyuck last night, he felt like he was on cloud 9.

Nothing could dampen his mood the next day at school- not the two hours of intense morning training from their coach, nor the Cheerleaders that approached him in interest after gossip spread that he wasn't with Mina anymore, not his mum who woke up extra early to nag Mark about committing to a career in basketball, even Jeno and Sihyeon's lovey-dovey kissing at lunch didn't bother him.

"Someone's in a good mood" Renjun notes, leaning against Mark's locker after their final lesson of the day.

Mark hums, throwing his books into his bag, "Feelin' good... how was English? Didn't you have a test?"

At the mention of his class, Renjun sighs, pushing off the lockers to walk alongside Mark as they exit the school, neither of them having any extra curriculars today- especially as Mark rejected Jeno's offer of joining him and some of their teammates at the gym.

"I mean... I sat through it?"

At that Mark smiles, "Well, I know something that will make us both feel better.."




"God, how white are we?" Renjun huffs as he chews on his straw, eyes darting around the café

Mark almost chokes on his chocolate chip frappé, "Jun.. we're Asian"

"Semantics" The other shrugs, smiling over his drink, "hey, how's your piece for your music class coming along, gotten any leads?"

Mark pulls out his journal from his bag- the one covered in stickers of treble clefs and band names, he flicks through the pages to one covered in yellow highlighter, little doodles across the double page spread, "I'm thinking of doing a more, low key song.. something with a guitar? Hyuck recommended some of his favourite artists so last night I made my way through a couple of them.."

"Whipped" Renjun sings, before he takes a mouthful of his own drink, smug in the knowledge that Mark can't even deny it, "But I'm glad that you're getting somewhere with it"

Mark looks up from his journal, eyeing Renjun suspiciously, "with the song or with Hyuck?"

The two exchange a glance, before they go back to their drinks, smiling knowingly.

It was then that someone approached their table.

"Did you say Hyuck? As in Lee Donghyuck, fullsun?"

Mark looks up so quickly he's surprised he didn't get whiplash, eyes trained on the stranger standing next to him.

He was tall, with dark hair and a fairly solid build- he was attractive, there was no doubt about it, but he also seemed oddly familiar.

"I'm sorry, do we know you?" Renjun interjects, glancing at Mark cautiously.

The stranger smiles softly, "No, but I've heard of you, Mark Lee"

He turns to Mark who still looks as confused as he did when the boy approached them, "You have?"

The man doesn't answer straight away, instead he turns away and calls for who Mark assumes are his friends- "Johnny, Doyoung, I found him!"

Johnny..? Doyoung..? Why did those names sound so familiar?

... Wait...

"Jaehyun?" Mark asks tentatively, feeling a little more sure when the boy turns round and faces Mark again.

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