twenty five

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Mark desperately runs his hands through his hair, pulling tightly on the ends out of frustration.

He had to do something. He couldn't lose Donghyuck, not to this.

Mark ignored all the shouts from his fellow classmates gesturing for him to come over and join them, asking about why he was leaving so soon- he didn't acknowledge any of them, not even Mina who reached out to him, trying to grab ahold of his arm to ask why he was hurrying away. It was all so suffocating- the screams, the music, the whispers... Mark shook her off and pushed open Minho's front door- the cold air helping him breathe again.

After exiting Minho's house Mark managed to catch one of the buses parked across the road- it wouldn't take him directly to his house but it would take him close enough, and then from there all he would have to do is run a couple of minutes to reach home.

Luckily when he boarded it was pretty empty, there were only a couple of other students near the back, all slightly drunk and talking loudly- too out of it to recognise him.

As soon as he sat down, Mark unlocked his phone, and quickly tapped google. As he was typing more and more notifications came through, pictures and videos all his friends were posting from the party, his Instagram tagged in all of them. If he was alone Mark would've cried in frustration. Tapping the 'clear all' button, Mark nods his head, thankful for the moments silence, until a new one came through- this time instead of it being from YouTube or Twitter, it was Jeno.

Mark didn't even know what to say

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Mark didn't even know what to say.

After he kissed Lucas, Chanwoo had dropped a comment about how betrayed 'Hyuck' would feel if he saw the kiss

( "Cheating on him with Lucas, Lee?" He taunted, "Classy" )

Mark, under the influence of a beer or two, had grabbed Chanwoo by the collar, demanding how he knew about Donghyuck, to which Chanwoo just laughed about how he heard Mark and Jeno talking about him once in the locker rooms after they'd finished a late session, supposedly just the two of them.

Oh how Mark wanted to hit him, to absolutely ruin him, but putting such desires aside, Mark opted to just snatch his phone back and leave- everyone's eyes on him.

Oh how Mark wanted to hit him, to absolutely ruin him, but putting such desires aside, Mark opted to just snatch his phone back and leave- everyone's eyes on him

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