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"Who's this Markie you speak of?"

Donghyuck flinches slightly at the interruption, only to break out into a smile when he sees Chenle hovering over his shoulder.

"Just someone from Instagram"

Chenle hums before sitting himself next to Donghyuck who's swarmed by staff finishing off his hair and makeup.

"It's been really weird not having you and Nana around" Chenle admits, a faint smile gracing his lips and Donghyuck bites his lip.

He's missed Chenle a lot, more than he outwardly admits since the three of them used to be joint at the hip, but after SM announced that NCT would be splitting into regional units, Chenle along with Kun, Ten, Xiaojun, Yangyang were flown off to China whilst the rest of them were stationed in Seoul. With both units busy with their own schedules, there was never enough time to meet up independently, they always had to wait until their schedules aligned.

"I'm really glad I got to see you again" Donghyuck gives Chenle a small smile, "It's been fun to catch up"

He knows that these past couple of hours didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but for someone who hasn't seen their friend in a couple of months, it meant everything.

After NCT127's meal, WayV appeared at the restaurant, Chenle leading the way, and they decided to explore the streets of Shanghai, do some shopping, visit a tea house, just basking in the fact that they're all together again.

"Hyuck we're on in 20" Johnny announces with a nod and Chenle sighs again, knowing that he's going to have to say goodbye

"Lele, we've got a hour or two before our meet and greet tomorrow morning, if you can sneak past Kun you should come by"

Donghyuck offers, smiling as the younger perks up at the offer

"Consider it done"

After saying his goodbyes to Chenle, Donghyuck whipped out his phone just to shoot a quick thank you message to his fans before leaving his phone in his bag and joining the others by the stage.

As he looked over the crowd of people gathered by the stage, Donghyuck's heart began to race. Even after going over the launch rehearsal, the real thing was always so much different. The real thing had a thousand watching eyes, fireworks, live Q&As... there was so much to think about.

Sensing his nervousness, Jaemin slotted his hand into Donghyuck's squeezing tightly, "You ready?"

Since he didn't trust his voice, Donghyuck nodded diligently, before taking his place behind Doyoung in their line up.

Once he gets onstage the adrenaline will kick in, he reasons, allowing himself to take one last deep breath.

Okay this is it.

Putting on a wide smile, Donghyuck steps out onto the stage...



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Cooped up in their mini van on the way back to the hotel, Donghyuck allows himself to mull over the lauch

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Cooped up in their mini van on the way back to the hotel, Donghyuck allows himself to mull over the lauch. It went well- in fact probably better than expected.

He didn't trip, he managed to deliver his lines smoothly and didn't stutter during this Q&A whilst also managing to throw in a few witty comments- after all that what his fans love him for.

The whole show was so extravagant- but then again he wasn't expecting anything less from Shanghai.

Closing his eyes briefly Donghyuck wonders whether he should message Mark, wondering that now the launch is over their conversation wouldn't be interrupted.. but disappointment clouds his features when he realises that Mark's probably asleep now- or he should be.

Donghyuck takes out his phone and goes to his direct messages and sends one to Mark, against his better judgement. Just a quick one wishing him a good night and good luck if he hadn't managed to finish his workload.

After locking his phone and shoving it back into his bag, Donghyuck rests his head against the window, welcoming the coolness of the glass and without much of a protest his body slips into a deep slumber.

so this was more of a filler chapter to help set up the next one but I hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless ☺️

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