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The dress here is the one you used in acting!
[Title: New friends, New dream, Onee-chan I will be number one!]

1st person's P.O.V

Age: 7 

"Hime-nee, how many lines you have?" I asked hime-nee as she looked at the script, I stared at her form in wonder. "I got 10 for the commercial but I don't know about the movie," She answered turning away from the script her aqua eyes met mine. "I got 11 in the commercial and I also don't know about the movie," I said excitedly as I smiled satisfied. Hime-nee let out a giggle as I looked at her confused why she's giggling. "One day, I'll surpass you," I said out of nowhere knowing I was nowhere near her ability I pouted at how amazing Hime-nee is. 

Hime-nee is an amazing actress, broadcaster,  and model. She's also a good performer of art and plays piano flawlessly. Even though she's better than me I also have good qualities, I excel in academics even if I'm only 7, I'm also good at sports and playing other instruments but I'm nowhere near Hime-nee. 

The fact that I have to hide my identity by wearing a mask, covering my face with [fans, paper, book, etc] Irritates me but for my safety, I have to wear them, I told my mother about my complaints and she told me the reason, I never saw my mother that worried so Instead of complaining I agreed and comforted her.

I saw my sister as she focused on memorizing, these lines were given a week before and they told us we could come up with the actions by ourselves and it was highly suggested we ask for some help. I looked at the clothes that were hanged before me, It was a dress with yellow and white as the main color, Near the hanging clothes were a box where the boots I'm gonna be using is placed it was color blue as my costume was a mix color of yellow, white and lastly blue.

"Are you two ready?" Our manager Mishika asked us as she smiled. "Yes, we're ready," My sister got up from the chair as she told me to change. I quickly stood up and placed my script on the table. I put on the clothes that were gonna be used for this movie with the blue cloak as an extra. Wearing my mask I smiled and followed our manager out to the setting.

The movie was about a small girl befriending a witch. In this movie, we are the kid version of the main characters. My sister will be the small girl and I'll be the witch. It was entertaining since in this story the witch was the last witch alive and the girl never knew until the witch left for another place and they met again in the future with the witch disguised as a human.

(ง︡'-'︠)ง(ง︡'-'︠)ง(ง︡'-'︠)ง____Time skip____(ง︡'-'︠)ง(ง︡'-'︠)ง(ง︡'-'︠)ง

Age: 10

The movie the last witch won an award for best movie of the year, they still view it in the cinema but I'm still not used to the attention not like they know how I look like. Hime-nee is now in Four-star academy where she's an Idol while I'm still in primary school with no friends but there was someone in my class who I'm interested in, her name is Nijino Yume. She shines like no other, her smile and encouragement to her friend seem to lift her spirits.

She's reckless and rash with her words, there are times she's too blunt and I find her unique.
She has fair skin with orange eyes, She has long blonde hair tied in twintails with ombre colors on the tip of it. She has a pink ribbon on her left side of her hair. She's always with her best friend Koharu Nanakura.

Koharu has short lilac hair in a loose bob with cream-colored flower worn on the right side of her head, her eyes are dual-toned with purple and lilac. I always see her wearing glasses and never saw her take it off. Koharu is very shy and innocent, she loves idol and I always see her drawing coords. I always pay attention to the two of them, something seems to trigger within me whenever I see the two of them. 

It just reminds me of my sister and I before she left for four-star academy. When she went away we rarely see each other or talk, I just see her on the T.V or the internet. I never had friends and I am always seen as a shy and quiet person, Believe it or not, the mask makes me more confident unlike how I am right now. I was staring at an empty space bored out of my mind when I felt someone poke my cheek, Waking up from the trance I was in I met Orange eyes. "Nijino?" I mumbled under my breath as I looked at the blonde girl before me.

"Shiratori-san were in a group" not knowing what she meant her friend Nanakura came closer. "Shiratori-chan were you not listening?" 

"Uhm yes?" Koharu giggled at my actions making me more embarrassed than I was normally was. "You're so shy Shiratori-san it's so kawaii" Koharu stated with her eyes closed. "Thank you but you can call me y/n" I stated with a small but noticeable blush.

"Then call me Yume" Yume suddenly spoke next to my seat, "Call me Koharu y/n-chan!" Koharu said with a smile.

Since then we became friends...

2 years later

"Where is Yume?" I asked Koharu that was beside me. "She's probably late," Koharu said with a smile. "Yume, Koharu and I are going to S4's concert..."Yume encouraged me along with Koharu to do Aikatsu..." They don't know that yet but I do from my Onee-san. After some time we started talking to each other but we're not as close as we used to be.


"what's wrong? You both not going to write it?" she asked Koharu and me when our writing assignment was about our dreams. "Yume-chan Koharu said her name surprised but all I did was look at her. "you talked about it too much, Koharu-chan and you too Y/n-chan!" Yume said turning to me.

"Yeah but still" Koharu started to say but was cut off by Yume. "Let's do it the three of us together, Koharu-chan, Y/n-chan!" Yume stated with a smile on her face. "Huh?" Koharu was shocked to hear this coming from her friend. "Let's get into S4!" Yume said with the brightest smile I ever saw. As she said that she pulled out her piece of paper and showed us what she wrote.

"Join S4," it said. That was the day when I decided to go to the same school as my Onee-chan not because I wanna see her but be in S4 with Yume and Koharu.

Flashback end

Looking at my watch one more time, I heard Yume shout our name as she ran up to us. "Yume-chan!" Koharu and I said in sync. "Gomen I'm late," Yume said as she stopped running in front of us and she was out of breath. "everything okay?" Koharu asked concerned with me examing Yume. "Yep, since I made it" She was still out of breath yet she managed to smile. "Be thankful we still have time before the show," I said as we entered the stadium. "Gomen, Gomen," Yume apologized rubbing the back of her head.

Few mins later

"Thank you, everyone" S4 thanked the fans after their show.

Then it was Hime's turn

As she sang the glowsticks Shone, My eyes sparkled as Yume and Koharu nodded to each other and turned to me I nodded my head knowing what we'll do. 

"I want to Join S4 too"

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