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[Title: My aikatsu start!?]

The three of us are in front of a mail and placed our application for Four-star academy! The three of us smiled at each other as we looked at the horizon.

A few months later

 The three of us went to school and stopped by the gate to look at the breathtaking school. 
"Koharu-chan that uniform is so becoming on you!" Yume exclaimed as she analyzed Koharu then she turned to me. "Y/n-chan you look so professional like a real idol," She added. "Same to you Yume-chan," I said with a smile as she gushed at herself and started to daydream. 

"I heard there was another idol school nearby and I wonder if their idol Activities is different from ours," Koharu said as Yume started saying how amazing four-star academy is. Then we were asked to go to the ceremony hall, walking to the said place we started to chat about idol stuff. 

I sat in the middle of Yume and Koharu. It was big with a big cable and desk with a mic on it, The hall was filled with new students who were chatting among themselves. Then Mr. Hikaru Moroboshi or this school headmaster walked in, He is a man of average height and fair skin. He has golden-colored eyes that are covered by red rectangular glasses and short, wavy blue-gray hair. He was tall with his posture straight with violet rose attached to his lips. As he came into a halt in front of the desk he threw the violet rose away as he introduced himself.

"Students allow me to congratulate you on your matriculation. I am Moroboshi the headmaster of this school, First I shall introduce your upperclassmen who represents a goal for you to strive toward, They are our school's top stars, The four ladies of S4" as he said that the members of S4 went in front and are wearing their specialized uniforms that differ ours or the admins I saw earlier. "Whether you become a radiant idol like them it depends entirely upon your efforts that begin today," He added. "Hai," All the students said in sync Including me.

"Please introduce yourselves S4" with that said Yozora-senpai walked upfront and stated.
"I'm Kasumi Yozora, From moon beauty class, you stepped into a harsh world but we can overcome this together," Then Yuzu-senpai came up "From the wind dance class, It's Nikaidou Yuzu! Hear ye! I pledge to support you with all I've got as someone just a few steps ahead" 

Then Tsubasa-senpai then came up"I'm Kisaragi Tsubasa, In the bird theater class. I whip all of you into shape with love, So look forward to it" Tsubasa introduced the claps continued until it was Hime-senpai's turn. Yume was excited as she leaned forward. "From the flower song class, Shiratori Hime, Should you ever stumble and lose your way as an Idol, Please seek out S4. Like the brightest stars in the sky, we will serve as a beacon of light to help you get back on track" She stated with a bright smile.

"Congratulations on entering onto our academy," The S4 members said in sync as they bowed.

After the meeting with S4 and the headmaster I headed to my class, I went there before Yume as we have the same class but sadly Koharu didn't and both of them share the same dorms while I share mine with no one. As the teacher arrive I didn't listen to her rambling but she sure is Energetic and Loud.

"Say, girls, There's one important thing you must remember If you want to be the brightest star." She said as she started to walk around in front of the classroom.

"What do you think it is?" She asked us as she slammed her hands in front of a desk.

"Individuality?" I muttered to myself confused. "Yes, That's right Ms. Shiratori!" she said as she held her mic with her index finger pointing at me. "To foster your own personal glimmer at this academy we teach you self produce." She continued.

"That said, It's about time to pass out our most rocking item you'll need, So come when I call you." She added as she walked her way to her desk. Hibiki-sensei started to call some students but I didn't listen.

"Y/n Shiratori" as soon as I heard my name I walk my way to the front. Some students looked at me recognizing the name but some just ignored it thinking there's no way. "Here's your student I.D and your Aikatsu mobile, Stop by the dress make room to get your school dress" She stated as I examined my Aikatsu Mobile with my Student's I.D.

I sat in my chair peacefully until I heard banging on the window, I stared at the pink-haired girl asking for Yume to open the window. As Yume tried to ignore her the girl just kept banging the window silently only for the people around them to hear which was me and other students.

As Yume opened the window Sakuraba Laura was it? She went inside and looked left and right cautiously as she closed the window. She sighed in relief. As soon as I looked at what is happening I didn't pay any mind and just laid on my desk.

They were talking until Hibiki-sensei called her, I was right her name was Sakuraba Laura.

they started talking and I didn't care at all. Everyone stared at her as Hibiki-sensei talked to Sakuraba. "Okay Minna, Take your seats," Sensei said as she started to clap her hands as the students fumble to their seats.

The bell rang and as it rang sensei dismissed us.

"You can do whatever you want Babies, Think about how to make most of your time, That's self-producing." As she said that she waved goodbye and walked away from the classroom. I stood up from my seat and walked to the dressing room with the guide on the phone. "This is the dress make room," Yozora-senpai said with her silky and long hair flowing with her as she explains what kind of a room it is.

"You'll be able to customize your dresses here." As I stared at my phone A senpai walked over to me. "A new student?" I nodded my head as she led me to a machine where you can customize your dresses. She taught me how to use it then she went over to another student. As I designed my school dress.

I went to my dorm as I did, I opened my dorm door and there a bed laid. It was a bunk bed but I don't have a roommate. I sighed and took a seat in the bottom bunk bed. I changed into my night clothes with a determined smile I whispered under my breath before I slept.

"I'm gonna be a better singer, Dancer, actress, and model than you Onee-san."

To be continued

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