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Your P.O.V

Shinsei Academy, An idol school that once was never noticed and now it rivals our school, The fact why it rivals our school was that their aikatsu is very cool and not only that normal students, Training actors, Training Designers and others can go there no wonder it's now popular since not many schools has many courses. Their school was a moving school and there was a rumor that it has chosen a place to stay. I was walking while reading the artile about shinsei Academy until I bumped into someone. "Gomenasai!" I apologized until my eyes met some pink ones, The same color of the person I am trying to surpass. "Oh, Y/n." Her soft voice said my name as she stared at my blue eyes. Blushing at how close she was since I kinda bumped to her and didn't move from my previous position I stepped back. "hello there Rin-san! I never thought I see you here in school...Are you here for business?" I asked her as she just nodded her head and was about leave when she turned around and got out some Aikatsu Cards.

Are you here for business?" I asked her as she just nodded her head and was about leave when she turned around and got out some Aikatsu Cards

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"This is called Sun Star Coord this Coord actually reminds me of you just like the burning sun you are also burning hot with passion. I hope you put this Coord to good use and defeat me one day." She said as she handed me the Sun star Coord and turned away. "I'll be leaving then goodbye Y/n," She started to walk away slowly with her hands on her hoodie pockets "Wait, I have a question." I shouted as she stopped walking and waited for my question. "I heard you were from another country but why is your name Japanese?" I asked her as she tensed up and clenched her fist. She took a deep breath and turn around and answered with a poker face. "Just because." As soon as she answered that she was gone. I just stood there holding the cards she gave me, staring at the empty place where she once stood. I sighed and just walked away with me placing my Aikatsu Cards on my new Aikatsu Bind that I bought yesterday. I walked to my dorm that I share with Ako. When I arrived I came face to face with an empty room. Sitting in my bed I stared at y aikatsu mobile. I sighed knowing I was bored and there is nothing to do.

There was a knock on the door as a senpai opened the door and peeked in and asked me to go to the ceremony hall there were others students there. I walked over to Yume and Laura who was also confused along with Koharu. We sat together talking about what would happen or is something wrong with the school. Then the headmaster walked in with a long dark blue haired female with gold eyes with a black heart pin. "She looks like a model!" Koharu said beside me as Laura and Yume and I just nodded our heads. "Hello everyone, This is the headmaster of Shinsei Academy, We had a deal that Shinsei and Four star will be a one school but the classes are different with new teachers from the school as well!" The headmaster explained with the blue haired female sipping her tea quietly as her gold eyes scan the hall. She doesn't look like a headmaster and isn't supposed to be headmistress?

She waved her hands as she placed the cup of her tea on the table where the mic is

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She waved her hands as she placed the cup of her tea on the table where the mic is. "Hello everyone, I am Kirabiyakana kuma  and I will also be your 2nd headmaster! YEY!" Her voice sweet and calming filled with happiness her name suits her yet it sounds too cute. Glittering bear in english her name is so unique and quite funny! "Here are my top students in shinsei academy, 1st of all the best student and the president council of our school! Arisugawa Rin." Headmistress Kuma stated as Rin went on the front and bowed her head.

After the ceremony and other stuff

After the ceremony I saw Rin handing some key cards to students and their new aikatsu card, A new aikatsu dress the Shinsei school designed. I heard that Shinsei has high school and has many courses which are the normal school course and the idol course,Acting course,modeling course and Designer course and others. There was a big area next to our school and it was bought that was the rumor why the next place near ours is being fixed.

Their uniform was red with the girls wearing overall and knee high Socks with the males wearing coats over their uniform with a different styled tie from the girls uniform

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Their uniform was red with the girls wearing overall and knee high Socks with the males wearing coats over their uniform with a different styled tie from the girls uniform. Their uniform was very idol-ish like they look like professional Idols. I waved at Rin as she stared at me and turned back and did her work which is giving students their key cards for their room and aikatsu dresses.

The next day

There was an event with the two schools cooperating with the show and all. It was very new since were pairing up with students we didn't know personally but we know as Idols. I chose  number (Fav Number) and I am standing here waiting for someone looking for the same number partner, I walked over to Rin as she was also looking around with a poker face. She was different on stage she was lively and smiling but right now she seems cooler than what I expect of her. "Hey rin, what number are you?" I asked her eagerly. "I'm (fav number)" She answered.

"Were partners!" I said loudly as other students from their school and our school stared at us in awe. "Isn't that shiratori Hime's little sister?" Some shinsei academy asked each other. "woah, Y/n-chan you and Arisugawa-san is teamed up? Isn't that unfair two best First years together!" Some students started murmuring about us but that isn't true at all there are senpai's that is better than us. "that's not true, You have to trust your capabilities if you are aiming for the top with that low-esteem how can you call yourself an Idol,Idols are people who are proud to make people smile and if you're not confident enough do you think you can be an Idol?" She asked everyone as other people started to look away but others were amazed and encouraged.

"Yeah, I trained super hard since I was a kid so I know lots of things If i trained late I would be like everyone striving to be better, even now What I am is not enough to defeat our senpai's so I'm working hard to be number one, An idol who is proud that she worked so hard t o be number one!" I stated as I looked over to Rin as our eyes met.

I want to create a miracle with Rin to show everyone can be an Idol

To be continued

Sorry eveyrone I had Writers block before I wrote this chapter and it's messing my mind up! 
I changed Akane's name to Rin since I kinda find it weird so yeah...

Next chapter is the team up of you and Rin and you will have a unit name and new unit dresses!

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