Chapter 4

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After i and yoongi finished our breakfast,as you know,me and yoongi will wash the dishes like last night.After along silence,yoongi then open up a topic,"Do you want to go somewhere?"he ask"I think no,i dont know where to go"i replied.actually i want to go out,cauae there's nothing to do at home.I can see yoongi still focusing on thinking where to go.I smile looking at his cuteness.

"Want to go to the mall?"he offered"What should we do there?"i asked."Shopping?""You paid?"i asked with a teasing look"Hmmm..i will think of it"he said smirking."Yah!!!"Hahaha,im just joking"he laughed.i punched his aram lightly."Owuch,that's hurt!"he said then pouted.'Owuh no,not melting...-_-''then we headed to the mall.


We walk around the mall but there's nothing that eyes catching."Hyunmi yah..which shop you want to go?""Over there!"she pointed at a candy store.I laughed then she pouted"What?""You're cute;)"i said and give her a wink.she's blushing^-^soo cute."Lets go"i hold her hand and drag her to the candy store.

There soo many kind of sweets in this store.I look at hyunmi that are busy choosing sweets."Yah!dont eat too much of sweets otherwise your teeth will be ugly"i tease with a fake  worried expression"Arraseo"she said.I then paid for it and decided to go to onother shop.When we about to go out from the candy store when....'Her....its really her...i've been long time searching for her...NO,NO,NO..Yoongi!!you are getting married,what are you thinkingo_O'i walk as fast as i can while holding hyunmi with me.'Ughh,what should i do?i think i still love her about hyunmi?i think i also have feeling for her'...


We walk to the parking area to our car and heading home.'Why yoongi looked weird a while?'I stare at his pale face.He looks worried on something?what should it be?should i ask him?

Author note

so that chapter 4.sorry cause i think it's too short but i hope you guys like it^-^

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