Chapter 6

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"Hyunmi,uhmm i think i can't take you home on time tommorow,so can you just take a taxi cause im scared that you might wait too is that okey for you?""It's okey.I will just take a walk..cause i think it will be more fun"she said and smile."Ok,but becareful arraseo?""Nae.Btw,where are you going?""Im going to meet my old friend"i replied.She then nod.

End of flashback~

Today is the day that im going to meet my 'Old Friend' or should i called my ex girlfriend.Lastnight she called me and want to meet me today.'What could she want?'

I fell guilty at hyunmi cause she need to walk home cause i think i will not pick her up at time.

'It's 10:34 in the morning,where could she be?'i stood there wondering and thinking where should i wait for her.My eyes then landed at a coffe shop..I then walk and push the door..finding a seat and walk to the empty table..

I then text her that i will wait her at the coffe shop.After any minute passed,someone just come in to the coffe shop and ofcourse it's her...

she walk towards my direction and greet me"Hello yoongi,it's been long time that i seen you"she said and smile.'ughh what is this feeling..why am i getting nervous?'she then pulled a chair and seat front of me."S-so..what did you wa-want to talk?"i said nervously.."Yoongi yah~i know what i've done to you is hurting you a lot..i don't know why do i like a playboy like minki,im really stupid to let you're really caring,protective,and always make me cheerful.Now i came back for you yoongi~"she said.I just seat there like a maniac.I dont know what to say.'Should i be happy or no?'my mind now confuse to what to say."Bu-but arent you married yet?""What are you talking about?of course im not married yet!"she said"So,who is the kid with you yesterday?""Owuh..,she's my little cousin"  '....'she hold my hand and i dont know why my hand giving a respond,i hold thight her hand and she's smile...


I walk home early cause my teacher said they have a meeting so i decided to walk home this time so it wouldnt be dark when i arrive home.When i was walking,for my suprise..i saw yoongi at a coffe shop,with a girl..and the worse is..they are holding hand.

My tears start to flow...I dont know why but i just fell like want to come to them and slap the girl face..but i can't do that.I have no courage to do it.I just runaway from that place and headed home while crying.'Why did you do this to me..?what are you thinking hyunmi?yoongi will not love you cause we are only arranged and forced to be together'I then arrived home and walk to our room.I lie my body at the bed and use a blanket to cover my body.My tear can't stop falling,remembering what i just saw.

Someone opened the door room.I fake that im sleeping and try to keep my tear to not falling.."Hyunmiyah?are you okey?"'How could i talk?My voice will crack up when i talk,and it will make it even worse'i take a long breath and sigh"Im okey"i replied.
"Do you think i don't know?i know there must be something right?"i can hear his footstep are heading towards me.I wiped my tears as fast as i can so he would'nt be notice.I then make myself to sit at the bed and yoongi take a seat beside me."Are you angry cause i don't pick you up from school?Im really sorry~next time i will pick you up from school"I force my self to smile"'s okey..and im not angry at's just i...i think im tired and need to sleep"I faked smile."Then sleep well"I nod and lied my self.Yoongi cover me with a blanket and ruffle my hair.I then felt my eyes heavy and sleep.

Author note

Another short and boring update..sorry if it's too boring and sorry abou the wrong pronoun.But i still hope you like it:)♡♡♡

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