Bang Chan•Promise me one thing

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genre: Angst
pairings: ChanXReader
word count: 0.9k
description: Chan's career gets in the way of his relationship with you
warnings: None
The way you clung to him in the night devasted him. You laid on Chan's bare chest sleeping fitfully in your room. He held his breathe when you shifted, pulling the loose sheets tighter around your body. Chan should have been sleep at 3am but like always he had a lot on his mind. Overthinking like usual. His heart was slowly breaking throughout the night as he thought about his relationship with you. The mere thought of letting himself fall deeper in love with you terrified Chan. For the last time he kissed the top of your head holding you close. He had to break things off in the morning.

It all started after a not so innocent game of drunk truth or dare escalated. It began with a forbidden kiss, then clothes were removed, and it ended with you two in your room left with unspoken words. Chan was your closest friend so when he asked could you two be more than friends, friends with benefits that is, you of course said yes. The only set back was his career. You both knew the possible repercussions of dating so you stuck to being a little more than friends. Your sneaking around went on for months, meeting up in between schedules, late night drives to secret places, but it was all becoming too much for Chan.

It had become so much more than just hook ups. He was absolutely in love with you. He saw the way you looked at him. He knew you wanted more and he did too but he couldn't give that to you. Not without having to possibly give up his whole life. It was time to end things before both of you got hurt even more. When the sun rose that morning Chan waited for you to awake, already with his clothes on, bag prepared. No point in staying longer than needed.

"Chan? Why are you awake so early?" The first thing you saw was Chan sitting at the edge of your bed, back facing you. When his head turned you could tell he had been crying. His face was puffy and red from his tears that had started to fall.

"We need to stop this. It can't go on anymore." Chan's voice was stone cold. He thought maybe if he acted like he didn't cared, it wouldn't hurt as much.

You weren't dressed so your wrapped the sheets around your body to cover yourself, sitting up cautiously on the bed. "Why now?" You whispered in a hushed tone. The morning sun was pouring through the window filling the room with a warm glow. While this usually would have been a serene time, both of your emotions were making it anything but.

"You know why y/n. It's becoming too much. We've let ourselves go too far. I've created a hole for myself that's becoming too big for me to climb out of." Chan wouldn't meet your eyes when you crawled to the edge of the bed next to him.

"I..I understand." You lied through your teeth. You weren't okay nor did you understand. You wanted to ask him to stay. Tell him it was going to be okay and that you guys could make it work. Your eyes had started to water since you were holding back your tears. One day you knew this was going to happen so why were you so hurt? Chan's fingers combed through his blonde hair that had become messy from your night together before. Combined with his teary eyes he looked like a wreck.

"I thought this would be easy, I was stupid enough to believe we could both do this without the love. But I love you. I fell for you and the more time I spend with you, the more you'll intoxicate me further. So let me go. We'll be okay. But promise me one thing..." Chan met your eyes for the first time that morning. When he saw your hallow expression his heart broke. He never wanted to hurt you.

"..Yes.. what is it?" You gave a blank response. You felt so utterly confused and hurt. Chan was always so strong, resilient.

"Promise me, it's going to sound selfish and foolish of me, but say you'll wait for me? I will for you." Chan broke at the last sentence, letting his tears fall freely down his cheeks. You wanted to comfort each other but that was both the last things you needed at the moment.

"Chan.. please go. You're hurting both of us staying here longer, so leave." Your words cut into him like a knife like his did into you. Of course you would wait for him! But you couldn't tell him that at the moment. Wordlessly Chan nodded grabbing his bag. With a final glance he gave you a painful nod leaving you alone. All your emotions hit you at once when you heard your front door click shut. Collapsing with a cry you laid back against your bed letting your tears spill free.

Chan was had gotten inside of his car leaving your house, not looking back. Tears of anguish blurred his eyes. Fear was a powerful emotion and it had just gotten the best of him. Combined with love, fear was a demon that could end even the best of romances. Who knew love could hurt so much?

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