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Natasha's POV:

I left Steve's room with excitement I couldn't contain. I walked into to my room to take a shower and get ready for another damn party. But tonight I was going to have a little bit of my own fun. When Stark told me about how I said hello to him, Sam and Steve last night I remembered Steve getting jealous. So tonight I was going to play around with that a little bit, I'm just hoping it doesn't backfire in some stupid way but if it doesn't, I know I'm going to be laughing by the end of tonight.

I slip into my favourite red dress that cuts off above my knees and hugs my curves tightly. The straps fit perfectly over my shoulders while the V neck cuts low and I accompany the dress with some nice silver earrings. I usually don't wear such revealing outfits, especially at parties like this one considering people like David. But it was only going to make my plan that much more fun so I look at myself in the mirror and walk out of my room.

I came downstairs to see the whole floor occupied by tons of people. I scanned around the room for Steve and my first victim of who's going to help me make him jealous. I see Steve over by the bar talking to Tony. Ok so who's near the bar that I could flirt with. My eyes settle on Thor who stood staring out of the big glass window that looked over the city.


I walk over to him slowly and tap his shoulder lightly. He turns around and looks me up and down. This is already working.

"Hello Lady Natasha! You look stunning! How are you?" He booms with a large smile on his face.

"I'm good, I'm good it's just crowded in here." I say stepping towards the window, our bodies nearly touching.

"Yes well it is one of Tony's parties, there isn't much else to expect." He replies, looking a little uncomfortable.

"Your so right." I chuckle, moving even closer and putting my hand on his shoulder flirtatiously.

"I um-uh." He stammered.

I glance over to look at Steve by the bar. His fists were clenched around his glass, almost breaking it, his jaw twitched angrily while he was staring directly at us. I couldn't help but smile as I leaned in to Thor to whisper in his ear.

"I'll see you around, God of Thunder." emphasizing the words 'God of Thunder'. His eyes went wide as I walked away slowly swaying my hips, onto my next target.

I was already having so much fun with this I was trying so hard not to laugh. I decide to walk over to Steve and Tony.

"Hey boys how's the party going for you two." I ask while leaning over the bar in between both Steve and Tony asking for a drink, giving them a great view of my ass.

Both their eyes went wide and I smirked.

"Um it's actually going great. How's it going for you N-Nat." Tony says while staring right at my cleavage. If this was any normal time and he was doing and acting like he was right now, I would have already slapped him. But this was working so well.

"Eh it's ok, it's just quite hot in here don't you think?" I say, fanning myself seductively.

"I- I can help with that do you want the AC on?" Tony asked looking at me with his big brown eyes.

"No it's ok because then it might get a little too cold." I say putting my arms around myself giving me more cleavage. Tony and Steve both looked like they were about to explode.

"Well I u-um." Tony stuttered unable to keep his eyes off me, his eyes as big as dinner plates.

"Say Steve, you have been awfully quiet what are you thinking about." I say looking over to him, batting my eyelashes.

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