Hydra Mission

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Steve's POV:

We get onto the quin jet and take our seats, while Bucky starts the jet so we can fly to Russia where the base was. I sat with Wanda in one of the corners of the jet, Clint and Natasha were situated on the other side, whispering about something while getting some food from our storage.

"How are you Steve?" Wanda asks kindly.

"I'm doing good how are you?" I reply.

"I'm also good thanks, How are things going with Nat?" She asks out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Well are you going to do anything about the fact that you like her? Remember truth or dare."

"Yes I remember how you read my mind without asking but I'm fine, I don't feel anything for her anymore." I reply, doing my best to lie.

"Sorry about the mind reading, but it's so obvious that you like her. It's also obvious that your lying right now."

This. Isn't. Going. Well. I don't think Natasha wants any others to know, plus, it's also kinda fun sneaking around. But Wanda is such a sweet kid, I'm torn.

"Where are you getting this from?" I respond still confused.

"Clint told me everything." she smiles. What Wanda told me took me by surprise, Clint's not the one with the blabber mouth which puzzles me even more. I was tired of trying to convince someone with telekinesis that me and Nat aren't a thing so I gave in.

"Ok fine you caught us but not a word to anyone else." I plead.

"I promise, I don't have as big of a mouth as Bucky or Clint." She laughs.

"Hey I heard my name." Clint says walking over to us.

"I heard you told Wanda about me and Nat, I thought Bucky was the one we should've worried about." I chuckle.

Clint raises his hands up in defence and his eyes go wide.

"Hey no no no, that's not what happened." He whines.

"Then what did happen?" I ask, smiling at his state.

"Wanda came up and asked me if I knew anything about you and Nat because she thought there was something going on. But then I lied to protect you and also Nat threatened to kill me but then she used her little mind trick thingy and exposed me." He explains in a high strung voice.

I turn to Wanda and her eyes went wide. I couldn't help but smile at her a bit as she starting laughing.

"Whoops." She says shrugging her shoulders.

I groan in fake annoyance at how 3 people in the span of literally 3 days managed to find out.

"If anyone of you tells another soul, Steve and I will kill you and we're not joking." Nat chimes in walking towards us.

"Hey if everyone on this ship knows about you two can I tell them that you guys fucked last night?" Bucky calls from the cockpit.

"Bucky!" Nat yells as she walks over to him probably about to give him a beating.

My face suddenly feels really warm as I watch Clint and Wanda on the floor dying of laughter at what Bucky had just done.

"Damn you Bucky." I mumble.

The two morons on the floor kept pointing at my red cheeks which made them laugh even more. I huffed at them and walked to the cockpit to make sure Bucky's death doesn't make the jet go down, only to see Bucky on the floor with Natasha beating the shit out of him.

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