Sneak and Stealth

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Steve's POV:

I woke up with Natasha sound asleep in my arms, her hair in tufts across my chest. Last night was perfect, I move her hair aside and kiss her neck lightly to wake her up.

"Mmm hey soldier." She says sleepily while turning to face me.

"Hey." I reply smiling, she glances over at the clock and turns back to me.

"Shit Steve, it's 8am." She says, starting to get up and dressed.

"And?" I ask, her still in a rush.

"We have a mission this morning that Bucky is in charge of. Won't he come by your room and give you the details any minute?" She asks.

"Oh no." I say rushing to get dressed. Bucky was going to knock on the door of my room and see that I'm not there. I had to get back there fast and change out of my pyjamas or the comments and teasing i'll receive from him will never end. I run towards the door about to open it when Nat stops me.

"Wait." She says behind me. I turn to face her when she pecks my lips quickly, I smile at her and run towards my room and open the door, slipping inside.

"Hey Steve!" Bucky said from behind me. My eyes go wide and my heart stops, James Buchanan Barnes was going to be the death of me. We already have him knowing but Bucky having a big mouth is already a risk.

"Oh um, hey Bucky." I reply uneasily.

"Where were you just now?" He asks with a smirk.

"Uh um the movie room?" I say unsure of myself.

"Really? Because I was just there looking for you." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

I am such a bad liar.

"Well you see I was actually-"

"Sleeping with Natasha last night." He says, giggling at himself.

"What? No, why would you think that?" I stutter.

"You know the walls in this place aren't as sound proof as they seem." He laughs at how red my face probably was. I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to say.

"Were you just eavesdropping or something?" I say back wincing at the fact that he probably had heard.

"Nope you actually cant hear a damn thing through these walls I was just messing with you, but now I know you were with Natasha last night." He laughs loudly, turning red from it all.

"Screw you James." I say childishly knowing he hated it when I called him that.

"Screw you Steven." He replied while sticking his tongue out.

"Anyways, what's this mission about?" I ask walking past him to my closet.

He hands me a paper folder and I scan over it realizing it's Hydra. Who better then me and Buck to handle this case.

"We found another Hydra base, it's not as big and bad as many others we have dealt with before, but they are holding a lot of hostages and torturing them there. It's our job to get them out and eliminate the enemies." Bucky tells me while fixing his utility belt.

"Ok sounds doable. Who else is going on the mission?"

"Wanda, Natasha and Clint are joining us. Suit up we leave in 1 hour." He concludes, walking out my room.

I sigh and head to the bathroom to turn the shower on and get in, unable to stop thinking and smiling about what had happened last night.

Natasha's POV:

I decided I was going to check in on Steve to make sure he didn't run into anyone while leaving my room but just as I open my door I see Bucky heading down the hall towards the elevator.

"Oh hey Natasha. Where you headed?"

I freeze in my spot and quickly make up a lie, "I was actually looking for you on details for our mission today." I say walking towards him and taking the file.

"Oh well it's another Hydra base. We basically have to save the hostages and kill the bad guys." He said pointing to the pictures of the base.

"It looks small but I bet it goes down underground a couple of floors you should go tell Fury that so we're prepared." I say handing the file back to Bucky.

"Ok sounds good. Meet you downstairs in an hour?" He asks getting into the elevator.

"Yep see you then." I say back watching the elevator doors close.

I walk over to Steve's door and open it quietly, peeking in to see there's no sign of him but then I hear the water from the shower turn on.

I smirk to myself and as quietly as possible open the door to the bathroom. The shower curtain was closed and all I could hear was the water pattering against the floor of the shower. I quietly undress not making a sound, I open the shower curtain slightly and step into the shower behind Steve, admiring his toned and muscular back, damn he was a sight to see.

"Hey Captain." I whisper seductively in his ear.

He nearly jumps out of his skin having no idea I was here. He then turns around quickly and pushes me against the cold tile of the shower.

"What are you doing sneaking up on me doll?" He whispers back in a captivating way.

I bite my lip at his sexiness while he stares down at me with his sharp blue eyes looking for an answer.

"Do you not want me here Captain?" I say back innocently.

He moves his massive build closer to me, increasing the tension between us. I could get used to Steve being this forward towards me.

"You'll be where I want you to be darling." He says smirking and then pressing his lips roughly to mine.

This was another side of Steve I didn't know existed. It took me by surprise but it was so attractive, he was usually so caring and gentle, especially last night he was (which I didn't mind, I very much enjoyed it.) Our tongues desperately searched each others mouths in a battle for control which I let him win. It felt good to give up control every now and then. His body crushes mine against the wall irresistibly, making me smirk into the kiss. The rest of our session was foggy and by the time we got out of the shower the whole bathroom was filled with steam.

Steve puts a towel around his waist and starts to brush his teeth, while I grab a towel for myself and walk over to him.

"I have to go get my cat suit, I'll be back in a few." I smile,  kissing his shoulder and walking off.

I get to my room and slip on my tactical gear and grab as many weapons that can fit on my belt and suit. I have two hand guns, my widow bites, knives and some daggers. I hear a knock at my door and open it up to see a very good looking Captain America.

"There's the famous Black Widow. You ready?" He asks.

"When am I not? Let's get going." I say walking towards the elevator. We get and it takes us to the helipad where we meet with Clint, Wanda and Bucky.

Let's see how this mission goes.

hey guys i'm so sorry i haven't posted a chapter for a couple of days i have just been busy ilysm though thanks for reading ❤️
Also i'm sorry it's a bit short the next one is gonna be a long chapter


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