6: ~I Hate This Feeling~

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Credit artist: Instagram - georgelopezripoff
Tango's P.O.V.

Geez, Grian really had gotten himself in a lot of trouble. Mud and cuts covering his body. Large bandages covered his stomach area. His arm in a sling mangled and his legs not looking any better.

"Mumbo. What happened to Grian?"

"Debris was crushing his limbs and a rod was wedged in his stomach."

"You phrase that like its normal."

"The details are too grudgingly gruesome is o explain."

Grian then suddenly starts to groan in agony. He is shifting around trying his best to cling on to something. Mumbo grabs his hand and Grian temporary relaxes.

Poor guy. Grian is one of the most fragile and small Hermit. Something like this to happen to him is heartbreaking to say they least. Iskall and Ren are both trying to watch and comfort Grian. Unfortunately for them. Doc and I can't work in a cramped area.

"Sorry guys but we need to have access to Grian for a while."

All of them were very stubborn and wanted to watch Grian. Arguing with me and Doc.

"Look. You guys have to leave. I'm sorry but we can't work like this. Grian is going to be okay."

Sighs came from the two men's mouths as they slowly walked away from Grian. I have to say Mumbo is the most stubborn person I've met. Despite Doc telling them to leave Mumbo stands strong. Mumbo's face however looked distressed. The mustached man was tired yet showing so much relent to leave. I sighed to myself.

"Mumbo. You can stay as long as you stay away from where we are going."

Mumbo smiled lightly and thanked me. I know that Mumbo has had eyes for Grian. Those two do almost everything together. When Grian and I robbed the stocks who did Grian dress up as? Mumbo. Who called Grian a babe in a livestream? Mumbo. Those two are the either the bestest friends I've seen or very 'close'.

Doc started to properly stitch up Grian's stomach. While I work on casting his arm and legs. I'm surprised to see that they aren't severely broken. His arm was severely broken but his legs were just dislocated. With Grian being so tiny he can hold up in a storm.

Grian start to flinch around as he groaned in pain. Grian was twitching under the pain. He woke up with a start and instantly started to panic.

"Mumbo! Help me hold him down! Doc is not done stitching!"

Mumbo runs to grab his arms lightly. I grab his legs firmly. He squeaked at the constraint. He still tries to struggle. Stitching is tough. Especially when you don't have painkillers. Grian is in a lot of pain already but this. I don't blame him for struggling.


Grian is yelping and groaning at each stitch. Doc is having a hard time trying to steady his stitch work. Mumbo and I are trying to calm Grian down. But to no avail.

Mumbo's P.O.V.

This pain must be horrible for him. I'm so sorry Grian. I looked him in the eyes, fear is all I could see. Grian is terrified right now. In his sleepy state he must be having a hallucination or something.

"Grian. Please. You're alright."

Grian's movements slowed a bit.

"Grian I want you to breath. In and out for seven seconds."

He struggled the first few with his breath staggering and getting cut off by a whimper but slowly but surely he is breathing normally and stopped thrashing. Slowly Tango and I let go of Grian, still breathing in and out while closing his eyes.

Doc had finally finished his work on the stitching.

"That was harder than I expected."

Tango had started again with Grian's casts. I pull up a chair and huff. Grian is asleep again. I take in what's going on as Iskall approaches me.

"How Grian?"

"Still being worked on but his stomach wound is patched up."

"Any damage to any of the internal organs?"

"Actually no. Doc said that it just grazed the stomach. That's why he was Heaving and coughing up blood."

"Wait what! I didn't even notice."

"We were all busy trying to keep Grian alive. You're okay Iskall."

Tango then approaches us.

"Grian is fully bandaged up."

"I'll tell Ren then!"

Iskall walks away to find RenDog.

Tango and I are left behind. I ask if I can see Grian.

"Sure. Just don't wake him."

I gently walk towards Grian while bring my chair. I set up close to Grian and sit down. His face and hair messed up with mud spots and bandages on his face but still he somehow seems to look adorable in my eyes. His dirty blonde hair is fluffy and frizzy. His face is relaxed and calm. Every once and a while he'll take a deep breath rising his chest.

I look around to find some wipes of some sort. Next to a desk there is some wet wipes. I grab some and gently rub the dirt and mud off of Grian's face. I gently rub his head and he starts to lean into my hand. My year has been made. Grian smiled wide when I rested my hand on his head. It warms my heart to see that. Grian sleepily smiling. I use my other hand to clean the rest of his face and neck.

I yawn and I laid my head next to Grian's face. I slowly drift off in my thoughts and slowly fall asleep.

~Words: 920

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