8: ~Recovery~

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Credit artist: Instagram - kirones_
Mumbo's P.O.V.
It's been a few hours down here and all of us are miserable and stressed. Now that we are in this cramped area I could see everyone's actual state. Tango and Doc looked very bandaged up especially Tango with patches on his arm and leg. But the seem to be okay.

Poor Biffa and Cub though. Both were knocked unconscious. Apparently Stress found them drifting off in the ocean. When she retrieved them Stress got extremely sick and collapsed at the entrance. She's been coughing out her lungs since.

Xi seemed to be alright alongside TFC, I wonder if there were here from the start. Whatever it is, they both are acting as leaders in this stressful situation.

IJevin has gotten a broken leg and arm from a collapsing building as well as Grian. He seemed to be alright talking with Impulse who helped Jevin from the building. He said it was his own shop ITrade.

Wels and Python are both helping TFC with the mineshaft. Talking about how they could mine there way to another district for better safety. Wels and Python hadn't taken much damage at all. Just some cuts and bruises nothing to be stressed about.

Cleo on the other hand was in horrible shape. A glass shard had slit her throat. I actually remember seeing her getting carried in by Zedaph. The scene was sickening as the glass was lodged deep in her throat. When Zedaph passed by me I could hear choking and heaving coming from Cleo.

And finally my gaze had landed on Scar. Ironically, debris cut across his face. He had bandages around his head and Doc told him he's going to have a major s c a r.

Grian's cries broke my concentration on the Hermits. He's whimpering and begging to let go of the towel, how it hurts to no end.

I couldn't take Grian's cries anymore.

I grabbed Iskall's hand and threw it away from Grian. His cries minimized at this action. Iskall looked me annoyed.

"What the heck Mumbo! I'm trying to help Grian!"

"It's making it worse! You're crushing his stomach in the process!"

I don't let Iskall near Grian at this point.

"Dude move. I need to help Grian."

"Piss off Iskall! You're not helping if you crush his stomach in the process!"

"Mumbo! You have to have constant pressure!"

"Enough to crush Grian?!"



I threw my fist at Iskall not thinking. Not focusing on my logic. Only focusing on my flight or fight methods. I knocked him straight in the jaw. It instantly bruises. Iskall grabs my shirt and slams me against the walls.


I threw my forehead at his face knocking him over. Iskall quickly recovers and kicks me in the shin. I fell to the ground and nailed him in the crouch.

"ARGH! STHH! Ow...."

At this point Xi and Scar intervene. Xi helps Iskall up while Scar restrains me.

"Mumbo chill out!"

Scar calmly said. He dragged me to where Cub and Biffa were laying. It was completely across the way from Iskall, Xi and Grian. The commotion made the room seem darker. The atmosphere felt negative, everyone was anxious or fighting. It was complete chaos. Really, I wish Cub was awake so he could talk his way through everyone.

Finally TFC snapped at everyone.

"SHUT UP HERMITS! You giving me a headache. Seriously, we're a team here. And right now! It's survival. So please don't recreate Lord Of The Flies and act like Hermits."

Everyone reluctantly quieted down. Fear had gotten to our minds. It's infested itself in the mind of our logic. It's like a paranoia that is always in the corner of your eye. But no matter what you do you can't rid the feeling of being watched. Everyone can seem confident and relentless when not in danger, since we have lived most of our lives privileged and great. However right when disasters strike and rids us of our safety. We really aren't people anymore now are we.

Never mind that. I'm stressed. I want everything to be back we're it was. Iskall, Grian and I building and promoting Sahara. The friendly chats and great times I've had with the Hermits. Now it's all been destroyed by this storm. Worse, Grian looks panicked. The whole ruckus probably made Grian anxious. He's shaking and crying, he'd curled himself into a ball grabbing he's legs tightly.

He's having a panic attack.

I struggle to get away from Scar

"Mumbo! Please calm down!"

"Scar! Let go of me! Grian's scared! He needs help!"

"And he'll get help just relax for a bit."

"Scar you don't understand!"

"Mumbo try me-"


Scar is shocked by my sudden outburst. If my pleads didn't get everyone's attention that totally did it. Scar's shock was enough for me to sprint out of his grab. Scar struggles to grab me as I bolted to Grian. Grian is shaking, tears streaming down his face and his muttering. His words usually bring a smile to my face but not when he is in this state. Every single word that escaped his mouth made my heartache.

I grab his face and try to lift it up. He refused to look up. I know Grian, he hates crying in front of others. He feels weak, I swear Grian treats strength as his shield. He never puts down his shield in front of others. He doesn't want others to think he is weak.

"Grian. It's okay. You're not weak, it doesn't matter if you cry in front of others. Humans need to release their emotions, that's who were are! It doesn't make us weak."


"Grian it makes you strong. You don't need to be perfect for others, you don't need to push yourself harder, you don't have to impress others because you already have. You don't need to make a world record to impress someone. All you need to do is your best, not pushing yourself but your best. Because even if you don't get praised or even recognized for it. Every little thing you do won't go unknown."

Grian's tears had turned dry as he closed his eyes and feel asleep. His peaceful look let's me know that he got the message. I really hope I inspired someone in this room today besides Grian. Because that was really my best.

~Words: 1097

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