10: ~Nothing Is The Same~

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Credit artist: Instagram - toneslight
(This has a tiny tiny bit of NSFW stuff in it, I'll let you know when it comes)
Mumbo's P.O.V.


No response. Oh my god oh my god oh god oh god god I was supposed to protect him! Please god he can't die here! Not like this. Bite marks surrounded my body the spiders were now a mass around my arms and legs. I can feel the poison seep deep inside of me. I begin to wheeze and dry cough as the spiders were heavy on my chest.

I try to crawl away from these fowl beasts but to no avail. They have me pinned straight on the cold stone floor. It's strange. I'm in grave amount of pain but I can't think about myself at all. The only thing running in my mind is Grian.

How can this obsession with Grian be more powerful in my mind than pain itself. Maybe because it's painful to be without him. People say the heartbreak is worse than physical pain and at this point. I can definitely agree with them. Because god dammit it hurts so bad! I close my eyes. I start to weep to myself, I've never felt so empty and helpless in my life.

I felt a relief shower my chest as I could breathe again. I couldn't hear much. Only muffled noises, I had no idea I had blocked out the sound around me so well. It was hard to focus my eyes again. I couldn't see the detail on the person standing above me but all I could tell was they were fighting of the spiders.

Red shirt. He looked mangled and distressed, he kept shouting my name.

"Mumbo! Mumbo! Please!"

I felt his hand pressed against my neck. He was checking my pulse. A sigh of relief came from his mouth. I seem to nod off. I couldn't remember anything else.

Grian's P.O.V.
Mumbo finally started to wake up a bit. His eyes fluttered open and was analyzing the surroundings. A still dimly-lit cavern, I had lit a fire to keep us warm. I had found some running water and boiled it for us.

"G-Gri" he choked on his words. He tried to crawl over to me but fell face first. That action made me chuckle.

"Mumbo relax a bit, we are, hopefully, safe."

"H-how did you escape the spiders"

"They got me pretty good. But not as bad as you" I lifted up my shirt, the bandages were bloody and bite marks were very obvious.

"They most chomped down near my shoulders. But I only had like, five-ish spiders on me..."

Mumbo went into a coughing fit in the middle of my story. I ran to get him some water and mushroom soup. He was shocked, and carefully examined the food and water.

"Come on, it's easy to find mushrooms and water down in an abandoned mineshaft."

Mumbo smiles and grabs the water first. His face was deep in the bowl and gulped the entire water. I left the soup in front of him and sat next to him. I grunted in pain.


"I'm fine! I had some soup myself! I should be worried about you!" I smiled warmly at him and he blushes in response.

"Hehe! You're redder than a strawberry that has a sunburn!" I lightly tap him on the shoulder. Laughing at my clever wordplay I gave to Mumbo.

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