7: ~It's About Time~

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Credit artist: Instagram - spectralfish_25
Grian's P.O.V
I felt light, like someone had covered me in a blanket of sunlight. It was warm, I felt warm. This was the best state I was in, I was drifting off in the clouds. When suddenly the crash of thunder hit which jolted me out of my light state.

"GAH! Mmmm...."

I grabbed my covers and forced it over my head. I felt a tap on my head.


I respond with a whimper.

"Come here." He grabs my side and pulls me in. His arms embrace me. He's so warm. I feel completely safe in his arms. I snuggle into his chest and give a warm sigh to him. As the rain plunged down hard and the wind roaring Mumbo and I were cuddling. In this terrifying time I felt like things were going to be okay.

As long as Mumbo is here.

"Mumbo! TFC needs us! There's a flooding issue."

Iskall crashes though the door alerted us. Mumbo and I jump at the scare. What Iskall said concerned me. The fear settled in again. Iskall had a panicked look on he's face.

"I'll be back Grian, I'm sure it'll be fine."

I didn't believe him. Iskall is a laid back kind of dude. Even in most stressful situations, he'd act calm. But whatever this is, really scared Iskall.

Iskall's P.O.V.
Mumbo and I ran down the corridor's. This was something like no other. We turned the corner to find Doc, Tango, Xi, and TFC by the entrance. Tango was trying to block off the entrance with the help of Xi and TFC while Doc ran to inform us exactly what was going on.

"Alright so bad news and horrible news. Bad news is that there is an intense flood heading our way and the horrible news is we don't think we had enough effective materials to stop it."

"What a way to put it X."

"Listen Iskall. Mumbo. None of us know what to do. We've been stacking various materials hoping that it'll work but I'm pretty sure concrete won't help."

Mumbo looks completely stumped. Searching for ideas in his head that might work. As I am doing the same.

"We know that we have about 30 minutes to react before it hits us."

Mumbo suddenly sprints off to TFC's storage leaving X and me. What in the world is he going to do?

Mumbo's P.O.V.
Come on come on come! I don't have much time! I've dealt with hurricanes before so I should be able to try it out.

"Alright. If we are able to seal of the door and then retreat to the lowest part of the base, the water will most likely not effect us."

I hope it'll work, we need strong materials. Bricks and cobble would be better than concrete by itself. I grabbed as much useful materials as I can and inform Iskall and X the plan.

"Mumbo my dude. Are you sure this is gonna work?"

"It's our only option."

TFC informs us that the lowest part of the base is a mine shift tunnel he'd hadn't used in a long time.

"Okay, TFC, Doc and Tango get everyone down into that shaft. X, Iskall and I will build the structure. If you finish early help us with the wall."

Everyone splits off to do their jobs. Iskall is building the foundation with bricks and cobble. The concrete will seal the edges of the entrance for extra security. Tango and Doc are getting Cub and Stress downstairs while TFC is getting Grian.

Everyone is panicked and stressed out. Running around and getting ready for impact.

"Mumbo! Iskall! We have to retreat to the mine! We should seal the shaft door with our remaining materials."

We all sprint down the long starts when I hear a struggle. TFC is struggling with Grian as his stitches snapped while trying to move. He's in agony. He's bleeding out as TFC is holding a towel to his stomach. I quickly run to them and quickly lift up Grian with him responding negatively. He screams in pain and tries to squirm out of my arms.

"Mumbo! You're hurting him!"

"TFC we have to get down stairs! It could hit any moment!"

"Just be careful with the him Mumbo."

We race down the stairs with TFC leading the way. We could here the rain growing harder and nearer. With every step Grian yelps or groans. I physically hurts me that I have to carry Grian so aggressively but I really didn't have a choice.

Finally we made it to the shaft as X was hold the door open for us, TFC and I helped the bleeding out Grian down the ladder. Finally shutting the door. X and Iskall use their last remaining materials to seal the door up.

"Doc! Grian's stitches opened!"

"Shoot! I don't have any stitches with me! I left them in the room."

Grian is gasping for breath trying to ease the pain.

"Mumbo, just hold the towel to his stomach with light pressure. Support his head and I'll see what I can find down here."

I do just that. But after I held down the towel Grian yelped.


He's thrashing around trying to get away for my grip. Tango notices the struggle and holds Grian's arms down. Grian winces at the contact and struggles harder.


Grian yells out as I watch the scene play out with me being the reason for it. I just can't bare this! I'm inflicting the pain to him! I slowly let go of the towel on Grian. Grian stops resisting for a bit until Iskall holds down the towel harder making Grian scream out.



"Mumbo! Keep the pressure on him!"

We hear a large smack noise accompanied with the thrashing of water. We hear it crash through the door of the base and slowly flood through the base. I hold my breath as I hear it near the door. Everyone is silent except Grian who is panting in agony.

I'm scared... Please. Let the door hold up.

~Words: 1032
I'm so sorry I've haven't been up to date with this story. I have recently started school and was very busy with my life. I'll try my very hardest to keep this updated as this was fun and great to do!

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