9: ~Trouble's Brewing~

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Credit artist: Instagram - kirones_
Grian's P.O.V.
I can feel everything and I hate it. The fact that I'm still alive is remarkable. I'm tired. I'm cold. Sleeping like this wasn't very peaceful at all.

I jolted up, panting and letting out little whimpers. I quickly grab my side as it bleeds out more.

"Owww! Hisss..."

Mumbo and Scar give me a look.


Mumbo has launched himself towards me hugging me tight.

"....plea-se... you'ree.."

"Agh I'm so sorry Grian. I missed you."

"Hehe. Missed you too Mumbo."

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I loved the feeling. He really gives me the best feeling in the world. All I want is for him to just love me everyday. Okay that's weird Grian stop it. I just really really really like him. How can I deny my passion for him? I just...

"Argh! Ow ow ow..."

I feel pressure on my stomach, right. The stitches broke I forgot. I can see my blood leaking onto my hand as Doc rushes over to me.

"Grian you're going to be okay. TFC and the others are close to one of Scar's mines. There I can get you fixed up again. But for now please relax."

Iskall stood next to him.

"Probably should tell that to Mumbo, got a good hit on my unborn children."

"I'm sorry dude. That was a low blow, literally."

Everyone is talking to each other like nothing had happened. It's amazing how fast we can go from anarchy to peace. I really love the Hermits. We built this island block by block, obviously we are a team. Well more than that. We're a family, it's more than I had growing up. I ran away from my awful family and they took me in like a brother. Really the best experience I've had in years. I will not like something like blood-loss kill me. Well, hopefully...

Mumbo looks over at me and gives me a warm smile. How do I respond to that?! His kind and gracious presence gives me hope in life. It feels as if everything will be okay. I stare at him, deeply into his kind eyes. Really, what would I do without him?

Mumbo's P.O.V.
Grian has been starring at me from a while with a blissful look in his eyes, he's blushing and literally melting in place.

"Hey Grian... You okay?"

"G-gah! Y-y-yeah why?"

"It looks like you're about to burst. You're redder than a strawberry that has a sunburn."

Grian stares at me blankly, it's the look where he doesn't know what to say so he just stares at you hoping that you give in to his cute stare.

"Mumbo! Bring Grian over here! We've found Scar's mine!" Doc yelled at me. I looked at Grian with his tiny little figure. Gosh isn't he tiny and adorable, I pick him up with him responding with an "umph".

The tunnel is long and twisted, every turn is confusing. Scar is leading the way but he said this tunnel was made a long time ago and that he doesn't remember anything that well. Luckily we stumbled upon a few chests that holds some food and bandages. Doc gathers the bandages and starts with Grian's stomach. Grian seems to flinch at contact but is content afterwards. Words are exchanged with others. People are talking with others and laughter becomes contagious. Even in this rough time everyone has still remembered that we are friends and we can do this.

We continue through the twisting tunnels, Scar still leading the way as the many others are helping out the wounded. Still carrying Grian around we suddenly stop.

"Scar, what's-"


Tango was shushed by Scar quickly. Scar signals TFC to come here. He whispers something into TFC's ear and Scar then walks into the darkness.

"TFC! What's going on?" I whispered.

"Spawner. One of Scar's old spawners that he forgot to dismantle."

"What kind of spawner?"

"Poisonous spider"

"Oh no."

Grian and I exchange concerned looks as most of us have don't have weapons. Grian opens his mouth, "Mumbo? What are we gonna do? What happens if we can't get passed? We don't have that much food and we don't even have milk? If one of us or more gets bitten it could be bad like, really bad!"

I have to admit, I'm terrified as well, what am I gonna do! What are we gonna do? We can't avoid all of the spiders. Even so none of us have a useable pickaxe to break the spawner. I guess we just have to run and make a leap of faith.

"I'll be here for you Grian, it'll be okay."

Grian gives me a shaky smile. TFC turns to me and says, "Mumbo, Scar is trying to find a way around the spiders but if there is no way around it we are going to have to run for it."

"I understand that, it's just, what are we going to do if they bite us?"

"Power through it. Hopefully we can do something about it. But Scar is sure that this is the halfway point to his base."


Scar runs over to TFC and me. He looks pale and says there is no way around it.

"Scar are you okay!" I'm concerned.

"It's fine I just got a little grazed it's fine." TFC turns to the crowd and yells at them to run straight as fast as you can. Terrified, everyone books it with some having to carry people and others trying to defend people. I'm holding Grian tightly to my chest, as I run through the hallway of deadly spiders I can feel spiders gaining on me. I feel their legs grazing my skin. I was running so fast I swear everything that happened was a blur.

The spiders gained on me and they managed to knocked off my balance and I fell straight on the stone floor. Grian tumbles just a few inches in front of me. I was surrounded by deadly spiders, biting and stomping all over me. I can't breathe, I can't see, I can't. No, I reach my hand towards Grian. He's so far away, spiders are tearing at him too. Biting him as he screams out. I can't stand his cry's, please oh god! I don't have the strength to save him. I promised everything will be fine! No Grian!


~Words: 1087

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