Chapter 22

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*Jerome's POV*

Ergh! This is all my fault. If I haven't had rolled so many times Mitch probably wouldn't even be hurt.

I looked out at the window and saw that it was daylight. I checked my watch to see it was only 12:57.

Almost lunch time...

Everyone that had been in my cabin were already outside, hurrying to walk over to the lunch hall. Out of the corner of my eye I see Adam running back in my direction as he stopped to open the cabin door.

"Hey fluffy! You don't wanna miss lunch right?" He asked.

"I'm just gonna stay here, bring me back some food though!" I responded as I looked back over at Mitch,

"Also bring something back for Mitch. I'm pretty sure he'll be hungry when he wakes up."

"Sure thing," And with that Adam shut the door and hurried back to catch up with the others.

I waited for them to come back and I waited for Mitch to wake up.


I quickly turn around to Mitch's direction to see that he was slowly waking up.

"Hey biggums!" I shouted as I pulled him in for a hug.

After about a couple seconds I pulled back, since I didn't want it to be too awkward for him.

"Um, who are you? Why did you hug me? Where am I?" He started to ask a million questions a second, he kept pointing at this and that.

My heart stopped and I froze.

He doesn't know who I am...

He bumped his head too hard, this is all my fault

"Stay here," I chocked out.

I ran out of the door and into the nurse's office/room.

"Mrs! Please come! It's an emergency! My friend needs help!" I grabbed her hand and led her out the door and straight back into my cabin.

*Mitch's POV*

The guy that hugged me wet out of the room. I was really confused. How did I get here? I dunno. What was my name? No clue. What was his name? I don't know that either.

I sighed and pulled my legs closer to me and put my head on top of my knees.

The cabin door opened and I looked in its direction to see the guy that hugged me with an adult that he had grabbed ahold of. He started talking a mile a minute, I think he was trying to explain something.

"-And we were laughing, and he fell, and he hit his head hard, and I let him rest-," He took a little pause for a quick breath before finishing his explanation,

"Now he's forgotten things. Even his own name."

The adult walked over to me and sat down on my bed.

"Child, it will be OK. He will regain his memory back, it's not a 'forever' thing, ok? One thing though, anything you tell him now, he won't remember when he regains his memory back." (A/N Did that make sense? If not I'll explain to you even more if you want me to) She patted my head as she got up and walked to the door.

"Oh ok..." The guy said as he wiped away the tiny tears gathering on his eyes.

The woman shut the door and the guy walked over to me and sat down.

He sighed and began to speak,

"Ok, so my name is Jerome. Yours is Mitch. We are best friends and we met this year. We are currently on a school camping trip. And..."

*Jerome's POV*

Since he won't remember I guess I'll just say it

"I love you." I quickly hugged him one last time before climbing up to my bunk before he could process everything.


Oh and btw I'm not gonna name my chapters anymore, I'm not that creative with names anyways XD

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