Stars still sparkle when the sun shines

12 3 0

Friday 11:17am

"Kookoo, it scares me.." she whispered as she wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into his chest. "What is it baby" he whispered while still rubbing the top of Alishas head. They were still in the car returning back to the hotel, the sky was gray and thunder roared as droplets of water trickled down the window Jungkook was looking out from. "The thought of losing you or the thought of you being too hated.." she whispered slowly as she looked up and continued "Promise never to do anything like this ever again?". Jungkook made a deep sigh, "Babe ill try my best but i cant handle people treating u wrong especially other guys" Jungkook said with a little bit of anger. He was concerned even though he knows Alisha can handle herself most of the time, She has for all of the years he was gone. "I'll handle them. Let them talk shit anyways. I don't give a fuck. Like look, hundreds and thousands of people are talking shit about me even now." She laughed gently as she leaned up to press a soft kiss on his lips. "It's fine, Jungkook... I get it but I'm fine and I'll always be fine, as long as I have you" She huffed. Jungkook closed his eyes and as Alisha pulled away from Jungkooks lips he slowly opened his eyes gazing into Alishas. "I love you Alisha... So much" he said softly "You know that right" he smiled. "Do I?? Can you tell me when we're cuddling? Maybe I'll know then." She teased him gently as she jerked into him as the van came to an abrupt stop. Jungkook laughed and then jerked forward grabbing Alisha. She let out a soft laugh as she hid herself in his chest out of embarrassment. "Hey?! Whats going on" Jungkook asked the driver.


They were just down the street from the hotel. "Um sir there is a large crowd of fans surrounding the hotel sir its holding up traffic" the driver stuttered. "Oh, Lord. I'll handle it." Alisha gave him a soft smile as she called her parents, who had to call the security to keep the fans back. "Ugh We're going to have to go through the crowd" Alisha sighed in frustration. Jungkook nodded his head and looked out the car window as the car slowly started to move again. They finally pulled up to the hotel but there was roughly 50 fans standing by the door. The car stopped under the overhead of the building and thats when they all began to realize who was in the vehicle.  There were so many cameras flashing they knew Alisha was with Jungkook. Multiple guards began huddling around the door getting ready to open. "Hold on to me and don't let go" jungkook whispered to alisha as he grabbed her hand. Alisha just nodded, already quite scared as the first time she had faced a crowd like this, she had gotten scratches all over her body. It was scary and weird to her. So when he told her to stay close, she did stay close. The door opened and they went out. Girls were yelling, people with cameras were asking so many questions at the same time, it was overwhelming. She held his arm tightly and tried to walk in and covered her face from the flashing cameras. Fans were starting to grab at Jungkook, pulling at his hair and scratching at Alisha, "Gosh," she whispered quietly as she looked at Jungkook. She motioned the guards to help them, so they huddled themselves around the two of them. As they were making their way to the door it was hard to see but it looked like there were groups of teenagers pushing other fans back. "They deserve their space, leave them alone" a young girl yelled at the other people. A girl on the right of Jungkook pulled his hair again "aaahh fuck" Jungkook yelled and then a tall boy grabbed the girl pulling her off of Jungkook.


Alisha stared at the ones who were helping them before yelling a 'thank you' towards them. They gratefully smiled as they all huddled around the guards to help them pass. Once they were inside, she cupped Jungkook's cheeks and looked at him to check whether there were any injuries or not. She knew he had a good fanbase, but sometimes they just went too far. "You okay?" She asked him finally. Jungkook looked at Alisha with watered eyes in pain from his hair being pulled but he ignored it and felt around Alisha making sure there weren't any marks as well. "I'm fine, I'm fine but what about you" he whispered as he hugged her tightly. "It's just a few scratches and bruises. I'll get used to it." She gave him a soft smile as she hugged him back gently before looking up to peck his lips. "Im so happy for those armies out there I feel like going live and explaining everything" he said with a broad smile. "I know the company is already working on it but maybe we should do some talking and have you in it too" he said with a high voice. "I-I guess, but you should talk to the company first. We shouldn't do anything without asking them." Alisha nodded as she slowly pulled away from him "Let's go up our room." She muttered and pouted. Jungkook pouted wanting it to be a good idea to finally tell everyone about Alisha. He knew all their fans wanted to know who she was and where she came from. "O- ok" jungkook said softly as he walked into the elevator. He was silent through the few seconds they were in there and walked down the hall into the room. Alisha followed right behind him and slowly sat him down before locking the door. "Okay, I'm gonna massage your head while you think." She giggled as she started made grabby hands towards him. Jungkook said nothing as he threw himself on the bed face planting into a pillow. Alisha then started rubbing his temples making him close his eyes. He layed there for at least 5 minutes without saying anything, For some reason he was questioning his self confidence. Alisha frowned slowly embracing him and laying on his back. "you okay baby?" She asked him gently. Jungkook turned his head to the side and spoke softly, "Idk babe everything seems so overwhelming all of a sudden" he flipped himself over and pulled Alisha into a tight embrace. "i'm so sorry.." she whispered as she cupped his cheeks and gently stroked it. "I'm very very very sorry." she whispered as she pecked his forehead, she felt like it was all her fault.


Jungkook pouted and caressed Alishas cheek. "No no babe its not your fault I'm just overthinking about stuff" he stuttered "I really wanna go live should I ask Namjoon Hyung to text our managers?" he asked as he pecked Alisha on the lips and then throwing his legs over the side of the bed. She quietly sat up as she wrapped her arms around his torso and snuggled into him. "yeah, sure, but uhm.. i'm sorry. this is all my fault." she apologized as she pecked the back of his neck. Jungkook turned while Alisha was kissing his neck and pressed his lips against hers. "I swear none of this is your fault Alisha... i love you" he then kissed her making it a passionate kiss, smiling in between each one. she was a little taken aback, but responded to his nonetheless. she kissed him back just as passionately as she cupped his cheek gently. "fine– and i love you too." she whispered as she pulled away for a second before she reconnected their lips.

A/n: ok so i have some smut but idk if i should put it in 👉🏻👈🏻

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