The first kiss tastes of rain.

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Jungkook slowly exhaled and dug his head into Ali's shoulder, "Im just so glad I finally got too see you after so many years". This is when Jungkook started to question his feelings asking himself if he liked her more then their longterm friendship. 'What am i thinking' Jungkook thought to himself 'of course I like her more then being best friends with her she makes me the happiest when she's around me but does she feel the same it could have just been a silly old crush' he was standing in front of the door in a haze waiting for Alisha to open it. Alisha smiled gently as she slowly opened the door to his room and led him and the boys inside. "It's all on the house for you guys." She said shyly as she instantly plopped down on the bed and stared to wonder why he would be so.. hurt by others hurting her. Come to think of it, she would have been too, but mostly because she knew he didn't deserve that. Frowning softly, she sat up and motioned for Jungkook to cuddle with her, making grabby hands. "Yah! I still cant get over your parents owning this hotel its amazing. Did you know we were coming here?" Jin interrupted as he pull out some curtesy snacks from the desk in the room. "I did, actually" She laughed gently, "Knowing your parents are this rich makes us quite similar" Jin chuckled and look at jungkook as a tease. "Oh shut up hyung ya'll have nothing in common" Pouted jungkook.

Alisha got up and hugged Jungkook, feeling slightly down. She sighed gently as she pulled away from him before running a hand through her hair. She pulled her phone out and awkwardly excused herself, rushing out in the hallway, as Alisha walked away Jungkook and Jin looked at each other confused. She pulled her phone out and awkwardly excused herself, rushing out in the hallway. She slowly started to see all of the notifications on her phone and frowned at the hate she was getting, "Wow," she whispered quietly as her shoulders slumped. By this time the other members were already in there rooms doing there own thing. "Yah! It seems she's troubled so I'll go ahead and get out of your hair" yelled Jin as he walked out of the room and swiftly went past Alisha. Alisha jumped when she heard Jin yell and rush past her before taking her phone and quietly reading through everything. She checked the worldwide trends and sighed, Obviously she was trending. "Uhm.. kookoo.." she mumbled out as she rushed back in the room and hugged him, sniffling softly. "Darling whats wrong" Jungkook immediately hugged her back hoping its wasn't anything he did. Jungkook guided her to the bed and sat with her on the edge. "The hate, like I wasn't expecting them to give me death threats this quick." She mumbled quietly as she wrapped herself completely around him before hiding in him again. "Alisha look at me" Jungkook cupped her cheeks, "dont worry about what other people do they're all just talk, they can't do anything to you l'm sure our company is already working on settling down the fans with the spontaneous arrival that happened at the airport it was only me and the boys who knew you were coming" he caressed her cheek and gave an compassionate smile. Alisha looked up with a sad frown as she stared in his eyes. "O-Okay.." she whispered as her eyes trailed off to his lips when he was talking. They looked soft and.. nice.

"Thank you, I love you." She whispered as she leaned in to kiss his forehead gently before hiding in the crook of his neck. "I love you too" Jungkook softly replied then lifted up her head looking deep into her eyes. He wanted to kiss her but his heart was pounding. 'What will this do to our friendship' 'will it ruin what we have' he thought, He hope she didn't notice that he was lost in thought and unable to make a decision. "H-Hey, I love you three." She whispered unconsciously as her eyes trailed up to his eyes again, slowly staring in then with a shy smile. "Uhm, did Jimin and you really mean it..?" She asked him quietly as her hands trailed up to cup his cheeks, her eyes wide in embarrassment. "Mean what?" He wasn't sure what she meant and started to get worried, he closed his eyes for a brief moment as she cupped his cheeks. She smiled at how innocent he looked in that moment as she coughed quietly. "That you're practically in love with me, kookoo?" She mumbled shyly as she stared at his lips shamelessly, knowing his eyes were closed. Without Alisha noticing his eyes opened and saw for a second that she was looking at his lips. 'Do- does she want to kiss me... should I..' and in a moment he leaned down to her lips and pressed them softly against hers. Alisha didn't notice his eyes open, nor did she see this coming. "kookoo–?" She gasped once he pressed his lips on hers, her arms cupping his cheeks still. She didn't know what to do, she was frozen; But after a second, she recovered and shyly moved her lips against his, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red. Jungkook pulled Alisha's arms for his cheeks and grabbed the back of her ear and caressed her cheek and slowly deepened the kiss. He nervous brought his other hand down to her waist and pulled her in close.

Friday 12:04am

Alisha gently kept one of her hand on his cheek, while the other one now rested on his chest, feeling his heart beat a bit more faster than usually. She nervously pulled him closer, standing on her tippy toes, just as the door swung open. "omg– JIMIN!" Taehyung yelled in excitement. "AISH~" Jungkook yelled "I fucking forgot to put a sock on the door" he mumbled to himself as he face palmed his forehead. He went to the doorway as Teahyung stood there and as Jungkook was about to close the door Jimin rushed in. "What what are they making out OOUUU" shouted Jimin. As this was going on Alisha was laughing so hard out of embarrassment she almost fell to the floor. "NO Jimin, Kookie Said he forgot to put a sock on the door" Taehyung said bursting out in laughter. "sock on the door!?! They're gonna fffuuuuuckkkk~!" Jimin yelled as he smirked as he placed on the door, the two of them just standing there and closing the door.

"Aish~" she sat there with a smile as she made grabby hands. "Kiss me~ more~!" She exclaimed. "How can i turn down such an adorable kitten" he smiled showing his bunny teeth, Jungkook walked over to her and picked her up wrapping her legs around his waist and held her close as he began to kiss her more passionately. Alisha blushed heavily as he called her kitten, her heart racing faster every passing second. "KooKoo~!" She cooed as she started to kiss him back, her arms around his neck as she huffed gently. She pulled away just a little and pouted. "I don't want to be a simple one night stand.. I want to be.." she frowned and huffed again. "Be my girlfriend" he stated as if he was finishing her sentence and asking her at the same time. He almost couldn't believe how fast it came out of his mouth, almost like his heart wanted it more than his brain. He blushed as there was a moment of silence in the room. Alisha blushed as well as she squeaked before hiding herself in his broad shoulder. "Yeah, uhm thats what I meant.. I've just.. been in love with you since.. we met" she just couldn't stop blushing. Jungkook paused for a moment and started to imagine what things might be like in the future. 'Would our relationship last?' that was the one question that circle around his head. Alisha stared at him with wide eyes before she smiled weakly. "I mean if you believe in me.." she whispered gently, it was almost like she could hear his thoughts. "if you believe in us" Alisha continued as she caressed his cheek and pecked his lips gently. Jungkook put a big smile on his face and showed his teeth after she kissed him. "I do... and I'll do anything to make sure our relationship stays healthy because I care a lot about you" he said and then layed his back on the bed with his hand behind his head not loosing eye contact with Alisha. Alisha stared in his eyes with a shy smile as she gently laid back down on him, cuddling into him. "Me too, kookoo.. I love you.." she whispered, almost inaudible, as she was so freaking shy around him now that she knew that he liked her. Jungkook could tell that Alisha was nervous and giggled a little and then kissed her forehead. "Goodnight today was so long but im so happy I finally got to put my arms around you"

A/n: sksks the night isnt over yet but i thought id make it into 2 chapters 🤷🏼‍♀️🤗

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